Straight To Hell

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I walked out of the bathroom, drying my hair with a simle white towel. Iowa looked at me, then at the steam that was coming out of the bathroom, an amused smile on her face. I looked at her, my brow arched in a silent question.

"How long of a shower do you need? Were you that dirty?" She asked, smiling at me. I furrowed my brows in confusion. I wasn't in there very long... At least I don't think I was, anyways. It honestly didn't feel like I was in there more than ten to fifteen minutes at the max.

"I wasn't in th-"

"You dirty, dirty, girl," Iowa joked, chuckling.

I pushed her away, shaking my head. "Was that necessary, Iowa?" I asked, still shaking my head, sighing. Maybe this is what I get for staying in the damn shower for what... nearly twenty minutes or so. I saw the mischevious glint in her eyes, something all to familiar to me. She grabbed my arm, then dropped me to the floor, smiling.

"Iowa! This isn't the ship!" I reminded her, lightly tapping the floor for emphasis.

"Oops!" She exclaimed, staggering to her feet. I stood up soon after, dusting myself off, shaking my head with a smile on my face.

"Are you two fighting or something in there?!" CO called from the other side of the door. Iowa and I sighed at the same time, and I quickly ran the brush through my hair, tossing it back onto the counter.

"We're coming!" I called back, motioning for Iowa to follow. I placed a hand on the door knob, and opened it, automatically greeted by CO, who was just standing right in front of the door. She grabbed us before we could say anything, forcing out into the hallway.

"You two need to remember that we are guests here. Don't throw each other around, got it? I could hear the thump from down the hall," CO hissed quietly, releasing us,  casting us a kind a creepy smile. I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest, a smile on face.

"Yes... ma'am," Iowa said, smiling at CO. The short blonde reached up, and slapped the back of her head without saying a word.

CO turned on her heel, walking down the hall, away from the two of us. Iowa and I turned to each other, our brows arched. We shrugged, following soon after the blonde, who was already out of sight, probably already down on the first floor, knowing her, and how fast she tends to walk.

"I wonder what's for breakfast..." Iowa mumbled, barely loud enough for me to hear. I looked at her, then shrugged, not responding immediately.

"That's why we're walking there, is it not?" I finally asked, a smile on my face. She shook her head, shoving me away playfully.

"Don't be a smartass. That's my job," She replied, a chuckle present in her voice.

"Do you get paid for it?"

"Oh, shut up," She replied, shaking her head. I chuckled, crossing my arms over my chest as we walked down the hall.

We basically raced down the stairs, like children would, earning us stares from all the others, exasperated sighs, and... a fork being thrown at us, courtesy of Alaska, who had his hand on his face, shaking his head. I could easily see him smiling, even though he was trying to hide it.

"You two are idiots..." Alaska muttered, chuckling slightly.

"Oh, you know it would be boring as hell without us, Alaska," Iowa said, picking up the fork, looking at it, then back at Alaska, a questioning look in her eyes.

He shrugged, looking over at her.

"You... threw a fork at them," CO stated, taking her seat across from Alaska, beside Montana, which left the two chairs on the ends of the table open for Iowa and I.

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