You've Got To Be Kidding Me

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She was running. She didn't know why. All she knew was that she shouldn't turn around, shouldn't stop. Her heart was racing, each beat marking the moment she stepped. There was a rhythm of sorts. Beat, tap. Beat, tap. Just thinking of the rhythm kept her feet moving. She could see the rain, but couldn'tfeel it. It splashed into her eyes, making her wipe at it.

The scenery seemed to change, and she was running through a city. An all to familiar city. She recognised the streets, the buildings. She recognised the bar. It was New Phoenix. Her home city. Where everything started. She was still running. And she knew why. She was running from her old life. Her 'family'. And she never looked back. Not a single time.

The scenery changed, again. Now it looked like a war zone, dust and rain falling in all directions. Somehow... it felt darker than the others, even though -through the clouds and rain- it was brighter. But this one was different. She stopped, and turned around. She could see her own gun in her hand, but it felt odd in her hand, like it didn't belong. There was a silhouette of someone, about fifteen feet away from her, weapon in hand.

She was frozen there, unmoving. Time seemed to be at a stand still, unmoving. Then, she heard a gunshot. The next thing she knew, she was on the ground, staring up at the sky, at the endless amount of stars in her sight. A blurry face leaned over her. "What happened to you, Nev?" It sounded like Iowa, it sounded distant. It took her a minute to respond, but it came out broken.

"I stopped ru...nning,"

And the dream faded into blackness.


Iowa stood straight up from her chair, almost knocking over her coffee mug in the process. Nevada's panicked awakening scared her out of her thoughts. She turned around to face her friend, worried. "Nev? You okay?" She just swung her legs over the side of the bed, resting her elbows on her knees. Her dogtags were dangling loosely aroung her neck. Iowa saw her take a shaky breath, then stood up.

"You okay?" Iowa repeated. This time, Nevada gave a weak smile, and said, "Yeah, just a bad dream. Brought up some memories that I wanted to forget," Iowa didn't ask what they were. When they first joined the Headhunters, they were taught not to ask about personal information unless the other person wanted to discuss it. All Iowa knew about her past was that she had a bad foster family. That's it.

"Want some coffee?" Iowa asked, motioning to the machine on their counter. Nevada shook her head. "Nah," She paused for a minute, considering. "Well, after I get out of the shower," Iowa smiled, knowing that she couldn't resist the temptation of coffee. Nevada turned to their bathroom, and, after a minute, she heard the water turn on. "Eta, tell me one thing. What the hell is going with you and Zeta?" She said, staring down at her coffee.

"I really do-n't know, Iowa. I thought it was just a side effect from those six years in shut off mode. It shouldn't be li-ke th-is," He said, his voice still containing that glitch. "I don't want to tell the Counselor or Director about it, though. If I do I might lose you," Iowa said, briefly looking over at her blue A.I. If she was in her armor, they'd match, completely. Well, except for the fact that he has data running through him and you can see through him.

"I don't want to lose you," Iowa said again, "But what if this is serious? What if something is wrong?" Eta looked over at her. "It's a lot of 'what if's. Until we know something, don't say anything.  It might be better that way," He said. Iowa nodded, agreeing with her A.I. Iowa leaned back in her chair, finished the last gulp of her coffee. Something... just doesn't feel right with the Project.

Since they were awakened from their cryo-sleep, the Project has felt... more... divided. The newer agents don't seem to work as a team. The Project itself seems more... focused on one thing than what it used to be, like the Director found something, and that something is what's driving them. That and only that. It felt like the Project was taking steps backwards instead of forwards.

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