For The Sake Of The Project

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The Director looked down at the paperwork on his desk, and sighed. It was nothing that he had to do, small matters, but they distracted him, took his mind off the issues that were pressed on him... the mental struggle that was constantly in the back of his mind, always reminding him of the... of the reason why this Project was founded in the first place.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he pushed the papers away, to the edge of his desk, revealing the file he had been looking at earlier. It detailed everything that had been happening to the A.I.s... well, the older ones. The ones that were given to the old team that he doubted would survive for the next years. They were lucky, then. Vanguard was a group that didn't care about them, they just wanted the A.I.s back. Even if the creator of that group was connected to those two specific Agents. He didn't care about them anymore.

That was as clear as day.

He closed his eyes, thinking.

"Counselor," He called, already knowing that he was right outside the door. "Yes, sir?" The Counselor asked, entering the room. "Confiscate them. And you know who to send if they get violent," The Director said, looking at him, no expression on his face. The Counselor nodded. "Yes, sir. Will they be authorized to inject them?" He asked. The Director nodded. "Yes, Counselor. If the need arises, they may use it," The Director nodded.

"Okay, sir. It should not be long until they are in our custody," The Counselor nodded, then turned, walking out of the room. The Director just sat there, knowing that he was going to have a mess on his hands later.


Alaska was passed out on his bed, the blankets thrown down on the ground. He was actually having a peaceful sleep, for once. That's until he was disturbed by several, loud, knocks at his door. "Who the hell is it? And why the hell are you waking me up?" He said groggily, with a hint of anger. His sleep was precious, especially if anyone wanted to have him in a good mood tomorrow.

"Agent Alaska, please open the door. We have important news to tell you," It was an unfamiliar male voice. "Answer my god," He paused, yawning, "damn question. Who the hell are you?" He repeated, sitting up. "Open the door and maybe I'll consider answering you," The man said. Alaska sighed. "I asked first. Either you answer my damn question, or I'm going back to my much needed sleep," Alaska replied, basically glaring at the door, as if the man could see him.

"I am sorry, Agent. This is important. Please open the door," The man persisted. Alaska didn't bother responding, just laid back down. He was serious about his 'threat'. He was going back to sleep no matter how persistant the mystery man was. The moment his head touched the pillow, the door to his room opened. He sat straight up, swinging his legs over the side of his bed as he did so. "You know, it's rude bursting into a sleeping man's room with out the okay from the man. I'd suggest you get the hell out," He threatened, rather groggily.

"I'm sorry, Agent. I know it is indeed late, but I am ordered to do this. Please do not put up a fight," The man said. Alaska stood up and walked towards the man. "Despite being mostly asleep, I'll still kick your ass. Get. The Hell. Out," He narrowed his eyes at the man, half hoping for a fight. "I am sorry, Agent. I did not chose to do this, but it necessary for the sake of the project," When he finished his sentence, he saw two blurs from the corner of his eye. He recognized the faint shimmer. Invisible soldiers.

They knocked him to the ground, and pinned him there. He saw the feet of the man as he walked by. "What the hell are you doing?!" Alaska yelled. "I'm sorry, but we have to do this," The man said.

The last thing Alaska saw was blackness.


"Omicron, what's wrong?" Michigan asked his A.I as he sat up. He had gave him some sort of alert, but never told him what it was about. He looked up towards the door as someone knocked on it. "Who is it?" He asked, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. "Agent Michigan, please open the door. It is very important to the Project," The man said.

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