Chapter 9

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And it's here! 

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It's kind of introducing some DRAMA. Oh, YES.




  The thing about Conner and I’s date is that no one actually gave a date. He just said ‘sometime’. What’s ‘sometime’? How do I set my watch to ‘sometime’? God, I hate guys. When I saw him in Physics he never mentioned it and only talked about how peanut butter and chocolate was better than chocolate and caramel. I just liked chocolate in general so I said nothing.
  I turned to see Cassidy making a beeline to my table in the cafeteria.
 “Hey, how’d it go?” I asked.
 She grinned, flat out grinned. “Great! He asked me to the party.”
 “And what did you say?”
 She smiled and said, “I said I’d have to think about it because I usually go with my friends. He said he would make it worth my while.” She giggled.
  “Gross. He’s gross.” I muttered, looking back down at my food.
  “No, he’s hot. Really hot.”
  I rolled my eyes and continued eating my refried beans topped with mozzarella cheese. It was the best thing this school had to offer.
   “So, Conner has very big eyes for you, Grandma. Anything to add?” She asked.
   I looked at her. Telling Cass anything could be very dangerous seeing as she’s a notorious gossip. It’s unbelievable! Personally, I don’t like people having their noses in my business and I don’t like being in theirs. Okay. Only sometimes. But, I’m also a teenage girl so I feel like that should excuse it.

   “Uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I mumbled.
   “Ladies.” Kylie greeted as she sat at our table.
    Kylie wasn’t on the cheer squad but was still a good friend to Cassidy and I. She was a short little redhead with bouncy curls and big brown eyes. She had a light tan and cute brown freckles dotting her cheeks.
    “Hey, Kyle.” Cassidy said back and I just smiled at her.
    “So, did you hear the latest gossip?” Kayley asked before digging into her beans.
    “Um, of course. Hello? I’m Cassidy.” Cass giggled.
    I shook my head. The thing about hanging out with Cass and Kylie was the majority of the time was spent talking shit about people or gossiping. But, they were both good friends so I didn’t often complain too much. Plus, it was fun hearing about other peoples’ lives when mine was so dull.
    “Right. So, you heard about Conner?”
    Alright, now my ears perked up and I looked up from my food. Cass shot a quick glance at me and grinned.
     “No! What?” She asked, her eyes looked totally entranced with this new piece of gossip.
    Although, I suppose my eyes looked the same. I mean, come on, this was Conner we were talking about.
    “Well, remember that girl he was in love with? God, what was her name? It started with an ‘F’, I think. You remember. The Italian exchange student?” Kyle looked at Cassidy.
    “Uh... um.... er.... Francesca! Oh, God. Was she gorgeous. What about her?”
    Yeah, Kylie, what about her? I thought sourly.
    “Well, she’s coming back apparently. She wasn’t finished with her little romance and convinced her step-father to let her come back. She’ll be here next week.”
     I felt dread wash over me. If the love up his life came back into his life he would surely forget about me. I sighed. Of course he would. I knew that this fling or whatever he had with me was only going to last a maximum of a month. I was right; I normally am.
    “Oh.” Cassidy muttered before looking over at me with sympathetic eyes. I just gave a reassuring smile back.
    “Yeah, apparently he just found out. He smiled but didn’t jump around or anything. But, come to think of it Conner isn’t really the jumping kind of guy. Huh?” Kylie asked, completely oblivious to my situation. It was my own fault, I guess.
     “Wow, you think they’re going to get back together?”
     Please say ‘no’. Please say ‘no’. Please say ‘no’.
    “Well, obviously. They were so in love. God, I want a romance like that.” She sighed.
    So do I Kylie, so do I.

    “Hey there, Speed Racer.” Conner stopped me on the way to my car.
    “Oh, hi.” I replied, still distracted from the conversation at lunch.
    “So, I was thinking Saturday for our date?” He asked, putting one hand on my shoulder as to keep me in place.
   I was so not expecting that.
   “The date we set up. Oh, God, please don’t tell me you forgot about it already. I mean, Jeez, it was only yesterday.”
    I rolled my eyes, “I didn’t forget. But, what about Francesca, or whatever her name is.”
   “Aw, is someone jealous?”
   “No.” I shot back a little too quickly.
   He smirked at me. “Don’t worry about it, I’m not interested in her. I’m interested in you.”
   That made me blush a little and I looked down. He sure knew how to make a girl feel special. The way he looked right into your eyes too was just so intense and made me feel special.
    “I thought you loved her.” I mumbled, still staring at the cement. It was actually kind of sparkly.
    “Yeah, but I don’t anymore. I mean, all she ever did was ask if I loved her. Of course I did. But, after a while I realised something. She didn’t want me to love her, but rather just someone to love her. Do you know what I mean? She didn’t love me; she loved the idea of having someone to love and love her back.”

   His hair was falling into his eyes slightly and it was totally adorable. He looked sort of sad but over all emotionless. It didn't seem like it was too terrible to him and I hoped that that was the case. I don't want him hurt because if he was hurt, he would still love her. And I really, really did not want that. 

     “I’m sorry. That’s terrible.” I said putting my hand over his as it lay on my arm.
     He shrugged, “I’m over it. It was last year and I realised that maybe I never loved her either. I just loved what she brought. I mean, she was some hot foreign exchange student with a sexy accent who basically did what I said. I don’t even remember laughing with her. I’m sure I did, but I guess it wasn’t all that great. Come to think of it, I don’t remember anything really. I remember the relationship and things that happened during the relationship, like how we won the game the night we got together. But, I don’t have any memories of us. You can’t love someone without memories of them. That’s just not possible.”
    I looked up at him and said the thing that I was sure I would never say, “Conner, I really like you.”


I hope you liked it! It's a little longer than usual too, so I think that deserves a vote :D


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