Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART SIX

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In the Midst of the Light



The Warlock

With Aemilia knowing which location the coven's largest bomb is at, I've told Spencer to hold off on actually placing it. In all reality, Aemilia knowing which city the bomb is in doesn't bother me. It actually excites me a little. As kids, we all loved playing hide and seek, but this is the best game we've ever had. I know Valerio, Lexie, Aemilia and Keegan are held up in a hotel room in Cairo, all of them just waiting on me. The four of them have been gone for two days now, which is driving the rest of the family insane, but not me. I'm letting the anticipation build, and allowing Aemilia to lose her mind as she races against me.

Valerio had been right. My goal right now is to keep them guessing on what my next move will be, and to keep everyone, mostly Aemilia, scattered and confused. I need to keep the family as separated as possible. Growing up, I saw first hand what it's like for the family to be together. Everyone bounces one idea off of the other in such a quick succession that if they were to pow-wow right now, my entire operation could come crashing down.

I will not let that happen.

Valerio still doesn't fully understand what he's doing as Guild Leader, and I have to use that to my benefit. Dad may have trained him with every piece of knowledge he has, but Valerio isn't equipped to deal with someone like me. Dad's trainings focused on the wolves, not witches and warlocks. Mom and Aquila have never faced a person using black magic before, so even they aren't much help to Valerio.

And since Valerio and all them are gone, that means I'm actually being noticed. Somewhat. I was invited to dinner, which is just weird because I've never not been invited; I just never come to the main house to eat with the family anymore. I come to the main house when I have to. Nothing more. Nothing less. With the top rankers gone though, if I decline to attend a simple dinner, that will raise a red flag for, undoubtedly, someone in the family. I have enough heat on me right now with just Aemilia. I can't have everyone in the family suddenly worrying about me.

"Ready?" Zombie asks as I come into the living room from my bedroom.

I untuck my shirt, and grumble, "Why must we dress up for dinner? It's just eating, yet Mom and Dad would blow a gasket if we didn't show up in a button up shirt and nice pants."

Zombie chuckles at me, and replies, "We could always use decoys."

I stop fussing with the bottom of my shirt, snap my head up to him, and growl, "No. In fact, for the time being, we're not going to use them at all. You and I need to be present so we can actually stay informed. Do you not realize how powerful Aemilia's gift has become?"

He holds his hands up, takes a step back, and says, "I realize the importance of being here ourselves. It was a joke, Warlock. Nothing more."

I growl again, tuck my shirt back in, and then curl my fingers. When Zombie and I land in the living room, I run my tongue over my front teeth. Try to say as little as possible, I tell Zombie.

Next to me, he snorts quietly. You want me to eat quickly too?

I turn my head to glance at him for a second, and then turn my head back to Hope, Braelyn, and Keegan's younger brother setting up the table. Not too quickly, I reply as I start to make my way over to the table.

In the Midst of the Light~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Four (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now