Chapter Twenty-Eight~ PART SEVEN

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In the Midst of the Light



The Warlock






At least I know that the victims we use it on actually meet their end. This is emptiness. Loneliness. Is this how Zombie always feels? Here, but not here?

I have no idea how long I have been under Josie's curse, but I really hope the coven figures out how to get me out of it quickly. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. The vast darkness that surrounds me got boring a long time ago. I simply replay over and over again in my head the life I wish for Josie and I to have together while I wait.

The coven better figure something out.


Warlock's words keep racing through my head. You're my Second for a reason, Zombie. You can handle it while I'm under. I trust you. No one has ever said those words to me. No one has ever said that they trust me. What have I done to make The Warlock trust me so immensely?

In the Midst of the Light~ The Guild Leader Chronicles Book Four (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now