Falling Apart

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This is a chapter! This is kind of based off of my life right now. My mom says my writing is like my therapy, getting things off of my chest and all. I decided to write this, partly for therapy and partly because I want to talk to someone and I don't know how to other than my writing. My father and mother are still alive so my life isn't like that in that aspect. Only the very beginning is kind of my life. It stops being my life after the 'I am a mess' line. Aunt May and Uncle Ben are a young version. This is part one of two or possibly three chapters.

I am finally able to update more, maybe not every week and crap is still happening at home but I am doing better. I was going to publish this yesterday on Wednesday but my dad was having a rough day so I couldn't.


My life was falling apart. Before everything happened with Endgame, Aunt May was transferred to a hospital in New Jersey an hour and a half away, Grate Aunt Connie had COPD and Uncle Ben wasn't taking it very well. 

He was spiraling out of control and Aunt May didn't trust him to take care of me anymore. Uncle Ben didn't really grow up. In his mind, he's still seventeen. 

He almost always at night has a few beers and has completely disengaged from Aunt May and I. Uncle Ben's family had problems. My uncle Matt was a drug dealer and the rest of my family with Uncle Ben is addicted to some form of drug. Either cigarets, alcohol, or pills.

When Aunt May was home, she was either really tired from work or volunteering with a mental health organization. 

Aunt May says we are moving out of our apartment and into another and Uncle Ben in blaming her for everything. And Uncle Ben always had the sent of beer on his breath these days. It was hard dealing with him.

I was trying to keep up in school but I would get distracted and either miss assignments or bomb a test. I was trying to keep going to the compound but I would forget or not have enough energy. I was falling apart while trying to stay together at the same time. 

I used to be dressed in normal clothes and put together but now my hair is all over the place, I am wearing clothes that I've worn before without washing, and nothing matched, at all.

I was getting migraines more and more often with all of the stress. Uncle Ben put me in charge of keeping the house clean which wasn't easy at all. Uncle Ben would trash the house every day. Socks hanging off of chairs, clothes scattered everywhere, dirty dishes, and beer bottles and cans scattered around.

 It was a mess.

I was a mess.

I was slowly dying. Not literally but it felt like it. I tried moving on, pretending that I was fine but it wasn't working. I tried smiling and joking but I couldn't handle it anymore.

That was before end game. Now, Dad, my biological father who happened to be the god of trickery is really dead, my biological mother died giving birth, Mr. Stark was dead and I didn't have anyone left. Both Aunt May and Uncle Ben got in a car crash during the snap and both died. I had lost everyone I ever cared about and I was left alone. Even if I should be twenty, I still have the mind and body of a fifteen-year-old.

I had been lied to and tricked by Quinton Beck and now I refuse to trust anyone anymore. I don't think I can ever truly trust anyone anymore after Beck.

I had made an arrangement with the rest of the Avengers as well as Fury that I would live at the new compound. I had a section of the compound to myself that is outfitted especially for when I have an attack. Whether it be a panic or anxiety attack from the PTSD from Beck and Endgame.

The walls were made with vibranium, the doors can withstand a Hulk attack, the windows are reinforced glass, and it is decorated minimally, per my request. There is also FRIDAY installed and downloaded with protocols to calm me down from any of my attacks.

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