Faith III | Suspicious Cat

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(PROTIP: Even though the writing is in third person, it is still coming from the perspective of one or maybe two characters. In the beginning, it is from Akira's perspective, but towards the end it is from Yuuen's perspective.)


It was one of the first days Akira decided to start hiding Morgana in his bag, in which the cat just couldn't stay still.

"Stay still!" Akira hissed into his bag as Morgana shuddered quickly and found a comfy spot to rest.

He walked into the classroom and sat in his usual seat, behind Ann Takamaki and in front of Yuuen Morito.

Luckily he had gotten there early so there weren't that many people in the class to pick up his bag's suspicious behavior.

 Our teacher, Kawakami-sensei sighed in annoyance as she waited for first period to begin.

"Kawakami-sensei, here are papers from the faculty office I was asked to give to you." A bluenette girl said as she handed Kawakami a stack of papers once entering the classroom.

"Thanks, Morito-san, I appreciate it," Kawakami said as Akira eyed the bluenette girl.

Her hair was worn in its usual low pigtails but this time the pigtails just reached her shoulders.

'Her hair grew...' Akira noted as he looked around slightly bored.

"Who's that?" Morgana asked Akira who shot up in shock, clearly not used to having the cat hiding in his bag.

"Yuuen Morito, member of the Student Council," Akira explained quietly to the cat in which he was very careful not to draw any attention.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Morgana questioned which made Akira jolt quickly and turn slightly pink.

"No, she's not. She helps me because I'm new here. It's her job as a member of the Student Council." Akira explained pushing up his frames trying to hide the embarrassed blush on his face.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised. A meow-velous girl like that is way out of your league dude. Your charm isn't nearly high enough to date someone like her. But she isn't quite as meow-velous as Lady Ann." Morgana sighs thinking of his favorite blonde girl.

"Thanks, cat." Akira sighed sarcastically at the cat's comment.

"I'm not a cat! I'm Morgana!" He hissed drawing attention to the bag.

Akira kicked the bag quickly to get the cat to shut up, luckily no one seemed to have heard.

"Did... I just hear a cat?" Yuuen questioned as she was walking to her seat.

'Goddamnit.' Akira muttered to himself.

"What are you talking about?" Akira questioned as Yuuen took a seat behind him.

"I don't know, maybe I'm hearing things." She muttered plopping down in her seat with a sigh of relief.

"You're not normally in class this early, is something wrong?" She asked oblivious to the moving creature in Akira's schoolbag.

"Nah, I just woke up earlier than normal today." Akira played it off looking away from the suspicious bluenette.

"Right..." She said raising an eyebrow.

She was interrupted of course by Kawakami-sensei, issuing class to start.


After Kawakami taught her lesson, with her signature uninterested attitude. The class had independent work to do silently.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now