Faith IX | Upcoming Despair

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PROTIP: Every shadow is bound by their palaces' master.  Despite what they feel deep inside, they are forced to follow their master's wishes and most times their bodies will just start following orders, even without directing it.

However, it is possible for a shadow to rationalize something so that it can be interpreted as "Their Master's orders" even if it's really not. This is how the guards were able to hurt Yuuen even though the Master ordered them not to hurt her. The same goes for Lunar, she was able to protect Yuuen even though she was actively allowing her to partially escape.


"Uh... Mona?" Queen said pushing another guard back, exhaustion evident in her actions, "We could really use that plan right about now!"

"I'm working on it!" Mona replied, feeling his own worries increase.

'Where the heck is she?!'

'Please be ok, Yuuen...' He worried, finishing off yet another guard but to no avail. It didn't stop the hordes of guards coming after the group.

They were reaching their limit, there was only so much they could handle before they started dropping like flies.

"Fox!" Panther yelled, noticing the bluenette who was about to get attacked by another guard.

He simply didn't have enough strength to turn around fast enough and barely dodged it, gaining a large cut across his back.

"Are you alright?!" Joker panicked worried about his friend's safety.

"Fine!" He tsked before turning back to the fight.

Eventually, they were pushed backward, almost to a point where they were surrounded.

"Joker! What do we do?!" Panther cried, watching as the guard surrounded them slowly.

He clenched his teeth, there was nothing he could do. This was the end...

Soon without warning the light flickered twice causing everyone to pause in shock.

Mona broke the silence.

"That's it!" Mona cheered before using his slingshot to send the main guard back towards the center of the room.

"Everyone! Back up!" He exclaimed as the team moved away from the center of the room.

Joker stood frozen, slightly confused about what was going on.

"Joker!" Mona cried before pushing him out of the way, just in time for the both of them to not get caught underneath the chandelier that fell from the ceiling.

"The chandelier?!" Skull's mouth hung agape as it crashed from the ceiling, trapping the main guard and sending particles of glass everywhere.

"Thanks..." Joker sighed, thanking Mona as he stood up.

The guard struggled, but it was unable to untangle itself from the metal wires of the chandelier.

"This is our chance!" Joker cried as the team braced themselves, "All out attack!"

The team quickly finished off the guards, collapsing in exhaustion, but in relief as well.

"I'm glad that's over!" Panther groaned feeling her body already ache.

Joker nodded in agreement, smiling a bit in relief as he suddenly realized something.

Someone was missing.

"Y-Yuuen!" He panicked, turning around unable to spot the bluenette.

"Where did she go?!" Queen panicked as well, glancing around the room.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now