Faith IX | Unexpected Savior

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PROTIP: The Grand Corridor is approximately at 7 minute walk. Yuuen happened to run it in 5, but was stopped by several guards in the process, slowing her down so that it became more like 10 minutes. (She's not a Phantom Thief so she doesn't move as quickly as Joker or Mona would.)


Yuuen shielded her eyes as she awaited her impending doom, the ominous black hand of the guard that was looming over her, reaching out to grab her.

"S-Somebody!" Yuuen cried covering her face, "Help me!" She pleaded before a large light appeared and the sounds of guards being knocked back caused her to open her eyes.

A brilliant blue flame caught her attention as she noticed all the guards had been thrown backward, near a nearby wall.

And standing in the center was the last person she expected to see.

"L-Lunar!" Yuuen exclaimed relieved at the maiden's presence.

"Princess..." She said sadly, looking over at the startled girl, but she was forced to look back by the sounds of the guards getting up.

"What are you doing, Maid?!" One of the guards hissed, dusting himself off as he stood to face Lunar with a harsh glare.

"You're disobeying the Master!" Another one stated as it stood up as well, glaring at the blue-skinned maid with a venomous look.

"You're the ones who are disobeying him! Didn't he make it explicitly clear to not harm the Princess in any way?!" She denied shielding the frightened bluenette from the guards.

"We were also ordered to secure her at all costs and escort her back to her room." The guard spat back, peering over the maid's shoulder to see Yuuen quiver in fear.

"Move out the way, Maid." The guard said pushing her aside, reaching out to grab Yuuen once again.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Lunar spat back, sending the guard flying back against the wall again.

"That's it! You filthy maid! Move out the way or we'll kill you!" He hissed preparing to fight.

"L-Lunar..." Yuuen whispered out, watching her prepare to fight.

"I can handle this Princess. Now please, go." Lunar stated as Yuuen frowned a bit.

'Leave Lunar alone to fight?!' She glared feeling her anger build up. 'No way!' She shook her head as she prepared to stand up.

She was quickly caught off guard by one of the guards about to swing his sword down at her.

"Princess!" Lunar exclaimed, shielding her from the attack.

"Go!" She ordered causing Yuuen to run away.

She desperately didn't want to leave Lunar there but what other choice did she have?! She couldn't defend herself in a fight and Akira and the others were waiting on her.

She glared a bit.

No, she had to do this. She had to continue the plan no matter what.

'Or else they will...' She picked up the pace as her adrenaline kicked in. 'Or else Akira will...' She continued the thought before shaking her head furiously.

'I have to hurry!' She panicked sprinting down the halls.


"Guys, just focus on the smaller guards and keep the larger one in the middle! I have a plan!" Mona instructed as the team glanced over at him in shock.

"A plan?" Panther questioned, pushing another guard off of her as she glanced at the cat who definitely seemed to have something up his sleeve.

"You wouldn't mind informing us of what this 'plan' is, right?" Queen questioned looking back at the cat.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now