Faith VIII | Locating Yuuen Pt. 1

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PROTIP: Akira was finally able to tell his team the truth about the reason he developed a shadow, as well as what happened between himself along with his late friend, Takuma. Needless to say, a lot of tears and hugs were shed on both sides of the conversation. Despite that, Akira feels as if a weight that he'd been carrying around for years had finally been lifted off his chest. Now all he had to do was focus on saving Yuuen.

PROTIP #2: Anything that happens in the Metaverse is just a cognition of the real thing. Your brain will believe whatever happened in the Metaverse is real, but your body can't get physical injuries from the Metaverse. For example, if you break a bone in the Metaverse, you're brain will believe there is a broken bone there when you return to the real world and will send pain signals indicating a similar pain to that of breaking a bone, but the bone won't actually be broken. Once the brain finally realizes there is no broken bone, the pain signals will come to a stop. This also explains why in the game the characters always feel exhausted after going to the Metaverse but they never have actual bruises or injuries despite how badly they might have gotten beat up.

(A/N: Two Protips? I know. They're needed for the story I believe though.)


"Alright, let's get this started." Ryuji started seriously, whipping out his cellphone and beginning the navigation to Taiga's Palace.

"Be careful. In this world, everyone is an enemy and will randomly attack you without reason. Even if they are not shadows." Fox explained as Panther and Joker looked over in shock.

"Morito-san believes everyone is his enemy?" Mona exclaimed in shock looking over at the tall male.

"How tragic..."Panther mentioned feeling slight sympathy for the distorted man.

"Did you guys find a way in?" Joker questioned looking over at the three team members.

"Not quite..." Queen explained nervously before defending herself, "We got a good view of the palace from the top of that building, and there seems to be a few buildings that are close enough to jump across onto the wall along the eastern edge."

"Granted the security there is slightly more moderate..." She trailed off feeling somewhat embarrassed at her lack of information.

"We'll have to make do with it. It is possible we'll find better points of entry once inside." Joker instructed earning a determined nod from the other members.

Mona looked slightly wary of his leader.

Joker seemed a lot more anxious to get inside the palace than he normally was but granted his crush's life was in danger and has been for over a week now.

If he was in Joker's shoes he would be anxious too.

Like if Lady Ann was trapped in a palace.

Granted as Panther, she could fend for herself Mona was sure of that, but if she couldn't for some reason. Mona sure as hell would be doing everything to be her knight in shining armor.

"Mona? Earth to Mona!" Panther questioned snapping the cat out of his thoughts as he immediately tensed up in shock.

"M-..Lad-... I mean-! Panther!" He exclaimed, flustered at the sudden attention.

"You ok? You seemed kind of out of it for a second." She commented falling behind in the group a bit to run alongside Mona who was in the back of the pack.

"Just thinking..." Mona commented looking forward, back to Joker in the front of the group, running quite a bit faster than Queen and Skull who weren't far behind.

"About our leader?" Panther questioned noticing where his gaze landed.

Mona gave a slight nod.

"He does seem in quite the rush to save Morito-chan..." Panther trailed off, feeling a slight twinge of bitterness in her chest.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now