Faith IX | Doleful Memories

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PROTIP: Since it's been a little inconsistent, the author decided to just alternate between real names and code names in the end (ex: Akira said... Joker instructed.


As the team bantered on, Joker still being amusingly flustered, the door creaked open to reveal the awaited guest.

"Yuuen!" They cheered as she was tackled by the other members of the team.

Soon a new figure submerged timidly from the other side of the door as Yuuen was pulled forcefully away.

She looked up to realize she was standing safety behind Akira, whose red gloves held tightly onto her arms.

"Shadow..." Skull narrowed his eyes as the teams prepared to fight.

"N-No!" Yuuen gasped ripping her arms away from Joker as she stood protectively in front of Lunar. "L-Lunar is good! She's going to help us!" Yuuen defended stretching her arms out to block the blue-skinned maiden.

"Yuuen, she's a shadow..." Mona stated slightly saddened, but still kept his stance firm.

"She saved my life! Not all shadows are bad you know! She's only trying to help us!" Yuuen said firmly.

Akira loosened his gaze as the team backed down a bit.

"Ok, but what is she doing here?" Skull asked as he crossed his arms defensively.

"She's going to come with us!" Yuuen declared as the team's eyes widened.

"You mean... like back to the real world?" Panther questioned raising her brows.

"Exactly!" Yuuen smiled enthusiastically, "She's not happy here I know it, she deserves to live a fulfilling life in the real world! We can make it work! I know we can!" She said as Akira's slight smile dropped completely.

"Y-Yuuen... that's not-..." Mona paused, before looking at Lunar who gave him a knowing nod.

His gaze saddened.

"...alright," Mona whispered turning away, guiltily.

Joker gave him a little confused look before Mona just nodded his head, walking off.

"Don't worry about it, Joker." Mona said sadly, turning away from the group.

"What's with him...?" Yuuen questioned as Lunar shrugged her shoulders, "Probably a little stiff because I'm a shadow." She replied simply.

"O-oh, ok," Yuuen said, a little disbelieving. Something defiantly didn't seem right, but she couldn't place her hand on what.

"So um.. what's your name-...Miss?" Skull questioned turning to the bluenette.

"Well I wasn't given a name besides "Maid" here at this palace, but Yuuen called me Lunar so I kind of just stuck with it." Lunar explained as Skull nodded.

"Nice to meet ya! My name's Skull and that cat was Mona." He explained before continuing, "The brunette is Queen, and our leader over there is Joker." He pointed to Joker who stood slightly aloof, looking at Mona wearily.

"Oh and I'm Panther!" Panther smiled introducing herself, "And the last one over there is Fox!" She said happily.

"It's nice to meet all of you." Lunar said timidly.

Yuuen was standing a little offward, slightly distracted as she looked at Joker and Mona who were off to a distance looking very grim.

"Guys...? What's wrong?" She asked tilting her head as Joker turned around, frowning a bit before shaking his head.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now