Faith III | Plummet into Despair

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PROTIP: Yuuen's favorite type of coffee is French Vanilla with cream and sugar. She's ordered so many times that Sojiro had memories exactly how many spoonfuls of sugar she places into her coffee.


"Good morning Shiho-chan!" The bluenette smiled waving to the shy girl early in the morning.

Shiho smiled gently and waved back to the energetic girl.

"You too Mishima-kun!" Yuuen smiled before rushing off to the Student Council Room for morning duties.

The boy looked up in shock at the girl before waving back to her, he wasn't really expecting a "Good Morning" but it was a pleasant surprise.

Shiho sighed.

She doesn't know what possessed Yuuen to take a sudden interest into a girl like her. Maybe it was her personality, befriend those who look lost or lonely? Whatever the case Yuuen now goes out of her way to cheer Shiho up when she's down.

Shiho isn't complaining, it's nice having someone who can cheer you up. Originally only her best friend, Ann, could do so; but since she's been preoccupied with Kamoshida as well but now Yuuen's been cheering her up so Shiho's been able to smile a lot more often.

She hummed in content as she placed her belongings in her locker before turning around to come face to face with the one person she hated the most.

"K-Kamoshida-sensei!" Shiho stuttered out shocked at the tall male who stood over her.

"Come to my office, I want to have a talk with you." He said more pissed than ever. He was obviously in a bad mood and wanted a rag doll to beat up.

Shiho gulped in fear, the smile instantly washing off her face. Her face paled and she began to sweat.

"Y-yes... Right away Kamoshida-sensei." She muttered following him to his office.

Mishima just watched in fear as Shiho anxiously followed her teacher.


"I see you've been getting goody-goody with Morito-san," Kamoshida mentioned as Shiho backed up against the door of his office.

"You think just because you wormed your way into a friendship with a Student Council member you'll be safe? You think you can rat me out?!" He hissed slapping Shiho across the face.

"N-no! That's not it at all." Shiho mumbled holding her swollen face.

"Don't you dare speak back to me!" Kamoshida yelled kicking her in the side. Shiho fell over onto the ground

"I do everything for you worms. The only chance of you guys having a future in the volleyball industry is because I sacrifice my own time to help you. And this is the thanks I get, betrayal and hatred from my beloved pupils." He mentioned beating up the already injured and lying on the ground, Shiho.

Shiho understood. It wasn't her that was the issue.

Someone said something to Kamoshida and she was paying the backlash.

He would never change, and nor would she.

Being happy and being friends with Yuuen is nothing more than a dream within a dream for someone like her. She had nothing, no she was nothing.

She didn't have the courage to stand up and fight. Maybe if she was someone like Yuuen or Ann then it might be a different story, but she was Shiho.

Shiho the coward, who couldn't do anything right.

Shiho the coward who let herself fall victim to Kamoshida's wrath.


"Shiho-chan?" A worried voice asked making the girl turn around to come face to face with a familiar bluenette.

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