Faith ??? | Guilt

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PROTIP: Writing in the overdramatic way Yusuke speaks makes the author's brain short-circuit.


Akira sighed as the final bell rang, indicating the end of the day.

He threw his ordinary black bag over his shoulder, with his not-so-ordinary cat inside complaining.

"Hey! Would you be a little gentler next time?!" Morgana hissed smacked his head into some of Akira's school books, wincing in pain as his small head smacked into the hard surface of the biology textbook.

"Sorry." He said curtly staring off at the empty seat in which his friend was supposed to be seated.

"She's probably sick or something." Morgana rolled his eyes ushering Akira to leave so that he wasn't late to the meeting of the Phantom Thieves.

"I hope so..." Akira mumbled quietly before Morgana creased his eyebrows- or he would, if he had any.

"You hope she's sick?" Morgana mewed confused at his weird statement.

Akira shot up a bit at the misinterpretation, "N-no!" He rebutting looking back into the cat's curious blue eyes. "I just kinda' get the feeling... that something bad might have happened to her." He mumbled nervously, biting the tip of his nail.

"Yeah right lover-boy, you're just paranoid cuz' your little girlfriend didn't show up to school today." Morgana rolled his eyes and ushered Akira out of the classroom.

"S-she's not my girlfriend!" He stuttered out with a light blush on his cheeks.

"Keep telling yourself that." Morgana sighed as they headed back to Leblanc.


'Akira...' He widened his eyes as he felt the familiar presence of the girl he of so desperately wanted to see.

But then it faded so quickly he couldn't recall whether or not he was dreaming.

He held his head, feeling a slight headache come upon him before a shadow tried to launch an attack on him.

"Joker!" Queen yelled pushing the distracted black-haired leader out of the way of an attack.

He groaned slightly at the impacted before coming to face their enemy.

"Leave it to us!" Two voices resonated showing two blondes stand in front of the two ready to finish the shadow off.

They did a combined attack and quickly dispatched the shadow, striking a quick pose before heading over to see their dazed leader.

"What's gotten into you today? You've been out of it." Queen asked helping the black-haired male stand.

He placed his hand on his mask before grabbing Queen's hand to stand up, "It's nothing, I just got distracted for a second that's all." He assures her as he thanked her for saving him.

"If you're not feeling quite alright, it would be in our best interest to call it a day," Fox advised crossing his arms after leaning against a wall.

"N-no, I can go on. I just got distracted for a quick second." Akira denied wanting to find this treasure as soon as possible.

"We've already cleared a lot today, why don't we take a break?" Panther suggested opening the door to the safe room, in which Joker didn't want to enter but between both Skull and Fox dragging him inside, he didn't really have a choice.

"Besides... I'm starving! I could go for some good ramen!" Skull drooled thinking of the tasty ramen that he could be eating right now.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now