Faith VIII | Asphyxia pt. 1

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PROTIP: Dramatic Irony is when the reader knows something that the characters do not. This chapter contains a large chunk of dramatic irony.

(No the title is not a Tokyo Ghoul reference)


Yuuen's head reeled as she snapped awake, sitting up in shock.

A flash of red and black began to distort the room as her headache began to increase.

She held her head as it seared in pain, grunting a bit as she waited for the pain to subside.

In which it did and everything went back to normal, the traces of her headache almost completely disappeared.

"That was weird..." She furrowed her brows as she decided to get up, moving the covers aside to realize the unfamiliar garments that adorned her.

Prior to that headache, anything Yuuen's every worn within her time at the fortress was white, typically a dress. She'd looked for anything of a different color, feeling quite sick of the constant pure white dresses, but that was all that could be found within her drawers.

But now, she was adorned in a simple yet elegant black dress. It had some small engravements of a floral pattern and accents here or there too.

To be honest, it was a nice improvement from the ghostly white dresses she was constantly wearing.

But it wasn't only that, she felt different today... stronger... no not strong. More physical? If that was a thing.

The cold tiles of the floor began to feel a lot colder than they were the day before, as she sat back down on the bed in confliction.

Her eyes then traveled to the small vanity mirror across from her bed, showing her new black attire along with a surprising new updo that her hair had, along with the small black clip.

In this attire, she really did look like a princess...

She frowned, every day her reality became more and more confusing. Things beginning to add up less and less as each day progressed, making the young girl even more frustrated.

And don't even get her started on time.

With only a broken clock and no way to see the outside world, she had no perspective of time.

Was it day or night?

Evening or noon?

Monday or Friday?

She had absolutely nowhere to begin. She just started going to bed where her legs became tired and waking up whenever her body became stiff.

Speaking of stiffness, her wrist was surprisingly stiff, granted she did break it.

She had a black glove on her right wrist, which both made the bandages stiffer, and concealed their presence.

She wasn't actually hating the black outfit all that much.

Although she did feel a little emo wearing it.

She sighed, stepping out into the hallway, quickly noticing a new addition onto her somewhat enclosed hallway.

A large wooden door.

One that clearly wasn't there the previous days.

Before, her hallway seemed impossible to leave, no handles on the windows and no doors leaving to the open but now miraculously, there was a large door sitting right at the end of the hallway.

Her eyes harshened into a glare.

This place just got even more confusing.

But this was a good sign, maybe that door could lead her somewhere she hadn't been before.

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