Faith XXX | Lunar

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PROTIP: The story currently takes place in a gap between the Kaneshiro arc of the game and the Futaba arc. So the characters have not met Futaba at this point.


The girl stared dejectedly at the silver chains around her wrist and ankles.

Although the throbbing had died down a bit, her wrists still ached in pain as the obvious sign of bone damage.

Luckily for her, the handcuffs were so tight it was almost impossible for her wrists to swell up. Although the in the little bit they did, they just made the handcuffs even stiffer than they already were.

She tsked as another wave of pain seared through her arms.

Soon the doorknob moved again to reveal a familiar blue-skinned maid, with a tray of food in tow.

"It's you!" Yuuen exclaimed watching as the quiet maid brought over her meal.

The maid gave nothing but a nod before setting the tray down, preparing Yuuen's meal.

Yuuen gulped at the uncomfortable silence displayed by the maid as the maid handed her a glass of water.

"Can you hold it?" She questioned emotionlessly as she handed Yuuen a glass. She winced a bit but it didn't hurt as much as before.

"Yeah..." She muttered holding the glass in her hands. Luckily the chains were so tight they almost worked like a brace for her wrists and thanks to the limited movement she didn't have to really worry about damaging the bone more than it already was.

"Hand." The maid said simply reaching out her hand as she waited for Yuuen to place her other hand within her's.

Yuuen gave her a questioning look before shifting the glass of water to rest only in her right hand as she placed her left hand on top of the maid's cold blue one.

The maid sighed before flipping her hand over so the back of her hand was against the maid's palm and placing a few tablets of medicine within Yuuen's pale ones.

"What is this?" Yuuen questioned looking at the strange light gray tablets.

"Painkillers." The maid said simply dusting off her hands on her blouse before setting up the rest of the meal. "Don't tell the Master I gave you these since it wasn't under his direct order."

"What?" Yuuen questioned before taking the pills.

They could have been poison, or harmful in some other way, but Yuuen felt this sense of underlying trust from the maid.

And besides, her wrists seared in pain too much to object the offer.

"Can't you get in trouble for this?" Yuuen asked taking a sip of water to swallow down the small tablets.

"I can... If you snitch me out." The maid sighed still not making eye-contact with the curious bluenette.

"Then why?" Yuuen questioned not really putting the pieces together, "I mean, it's not that I don't appreciate it, but it seems like everyone here does everything in their power to please D-... I mean, the Master here."

"They do." The maid said simply making Yuuen even more confused.

"Then what makes you different?" Yuuen tilted her head in confusion earning another sigh from the maid.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure." The maid sighed flipping around to lean against the black mahogany bedside table.

"As far as I can remember, I was always like that. Following the Master's orders down to a T and doing it without reason." The maid looked up to the ceiling. "It was weird, I just had this strong feeling of trust and admiration for the Master, it was like it blinded everything else. And I'm pretty sure the others feel the same.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now