Faith VIII | Just Before Daybreak

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PROTIP: The author severely underestimated how hard writing a calling card would be until she had to write one herself -_-|||. She apologizes if it's bad.


"Hmm?" The man questioned waking up, feeling his head reel from the lingering effects of alcohol.

He quickly saw a shadow dart across the room, as the tail of a black cat turned the corner of the wall.

"A cat..?" He questioned seeing the end of the cat's tail exit the house.

"Weird..." He rubbed his head, finally sitting up and taking notice of his surroundings.

It was still late at night and all the lights were turned off making the room dark.

Despite that, he was able to notice a signature red car placed upon the coffee table; one of which was obviously not there when he went to sleep.

"A-.... calling card?" He cocked his brow turning on the old lamp beside his couch to see the inscriptions on the card.

"Morito Taiga-san, the possessive father of Yuuen. You enforce your distorted perceptions of reality on others and view yourself as a valiant knight protecting his "princess". You hurt others that don't agree with you and isolate your daughter from the rest of the world in a futile hope of "protecting her". We will change your ways and show you the true horrors you've committed." He read aloud, feeling his anger grow with each word that slipped from his lips.

"Sincerely, The Phantom Thieves." He tsked, before crumbling up the paper and throwing it across the room to land messily against the piles of dirty clothes.

"Phantom Thieves?" He laughed feeling his anger boil. "What a joke."

Meanwhile, a dark presence glared from the other version of reality.

"Phantom Thieves..." He repeated, his eyes gleaming a dark gold.

"I'd like to see you try." He glared before pulling out a familiar piece of paper; the map Joker just so happened to drop while hiding.

"Hmph, what amateurs! At least now I know exactly how they'll get in." He smirked running his hands along the bright red line leading from the entrance they created to the palace's treasure.

"The only issue is when." He smiled before fading back into the shadows of the room.


"Did he read it?" Ryuji asked leaning against the dark walls of Akira's room.

"I'm pretty sure. I didn't get a full glimpse of him reading it because he began to stir awake when I placed it and he almost noticed me." Morgana explained licking his paw a bit.

"We'll have to work with it, I'm sure he saw the card." Makoto said, taking the lead. "Now let's focus on the Palace, what are we going to do when we get there."

The team began to fall into discussion but a certain someone was unusually quieter than he normally is. Which is unusual because he's already too quiet as it is.

"Akira-kun?" Ann questioned nudging the silent boy on his shoulder.

He sat up in shock, "Huh?! Oh sorry... I wasn't listening." He apologized softly not drawing too much attention to their side conversation.

"Are you ok? You're unusually quiet." Ann furrowed her brows in worry.

"Oh, is that so? I'm just a little distracted is all..." Akira smiles awkwardly rubbing the side of his cheek.

It was then Ann noticed the dark eye bags underneath her leader's thick frames.

Her lips pursed into a frown.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now