Faith IX | Desperation to Help

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PROTIP: Although she was relatively athletic, Yuuen never participated in any sports.


Although they were moving a little slower, being courteous of Yuuen, they were still progressing through the palace rather quickly, which was unusual because they had yet to run into any guards.

"Here grab my hand," Joker said as he hoisted the small girl up onto a ledge, moving further through the palace.

"I never knew this place was so big..." Yuuen commented as she looked around the vast interior of the palace in awe.

"You haven't seen the rest of it." Panther commented knowing just how much further they had to go.

Yuuen stayed silent after that, taking in the exquisite detailing of the palace walls.

Soon she noticed a weird room; it was small and had a metal door, which appeared to have a lock beside it. 

"Hey, what's that room over there?" She pointed off to the room while she tugged on Joker's sleeve gently.

"A Security room, for the Grand Corridor I think..." Joker replied curtly, not paying much attention to it.

Yuuen nodded as she walked on ahead, walking beside Skull a bit as they pressed on.

It was then Joker noticed the markings on her skin, bruises from what seemed to be like chains circled her ankles and her right wrist seemed to have been severely bruised, perhaps even broken.

He frowned, biting his lip a bit to hide his emotions.

It was his fault entirely she was battered with bruises and although she didn't acknowledge them, he was sure she was in pain.

"Yuuen, are you sure you don't want me to carry you? It really won't be that much trouble..." Joker trailed off, not going into detail on what he was talking about. But from the wandering glance from her face to her broken wrist, it was clear what he meant.

"N-No! I'm fine!" She smiled softly, clasping her hand over her broken wrist, hiding behind her back a bit. "I'm fine... really." She said awkwardly, as Joker decided not to press it further.

He'd just have to make sure she wasn't pushing her body past its limit.

I mean, he had a persona, which amplified his physical abilities. But she was vulnerable to attacks, having no means to defend against it.

He sighed.

He'd get revenge on whoever did this to her.

The team pressed forward, Joker in the lead and Yuuen more towards the middle of the group, Skull keeping an eye on her.

Without having much trouble with guards, it wasn't long until they reached the Grand Corridor, where unbeknownst to them, had a horde of guards waiting to ambush them.

"Guys be careful... this is an open area, its hard not to be seen." Joker explained peering his head around the wall to notice that it appeared to be completely empty.

"Suspicious..." He commented taking a few swift steps into the room, Yuuen trailing close behind.

It wasn't long before the guards noticed their presence, which left the guards completely astounded.

They were entering from the wrong door! And with the Princess in tow no less!

The leader of the guards tsked, they'd just have to make do with the situation.

"Men! Move out!" The leader guard ordered, shocking the thieves as they tensed up, ready to fight.

"What?!" Panther panicked watching as hordes of guards dropped from the balcony.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now