Faith V | Burning Determination

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PROTIP: Yuuen's mother died when she was 12 years old.


"See you around..." Yuuen waved to Akira as she turned around to face the door to her house.

She took a deep breath and turned the doorknob, preparing herself for what she was about to see.

Her father was passed out on the couch with a bottle of liquor in his hand and tons of papers on the table.

She sighed, she'd rather have him passed out than drunk.

The girl walked over emotionlessly, taking the bottle of liquor from his hand, and collecting the other bottles that are lingering around the living room.

It took her about thirty minutes to clean up the mess he had made in the room, but eventually, it was looking relatively clean.

She wiped the dust off an old photo of her family when her mom was still alive.

Yuuen was an energetic little girl who clung onto her father with a bright pearly white smile on her face. Her father held her with a smile as his hair was cleanly gelled back with a white polo on. His face was cleanly shaved and he looked well put together.

Her mom stood beside her father as well as herself with a gentle smile on her face. Her mom was always really beautiful, but she was frail and you could clearly make it out in her dull blue eyes and pale skin. Nevertheless, didn't hesitate to go out of the house and play with Yuuen, despite her poor health.

Yuuen smiled looking at the photo before putting back on the shelf.

She walked over to her dad realizing the stacks of paper were bills that were due soon.

She sighed with a slight smile, taking off her father's hat, blazer, and tie and lying him down on the couch.

She even took off his socks and shoes so that he could rest easily.

She smiled brushing his hair back like when he used to gel it.

For a brief moment, he looked just like he did back in the picture, his hair slicked back with a peaceful look on his face.

Then she noticed the untrimmed stubble of his un-cleanly kept beard and the dark bags underneath his eyes.

She sighed standing up, it was getting late and she was exhausted after the terrifying experience she had today.

She plopped down on her bed and covered her eyes with her sleeve.

It was then she realized that she had to go to school the next day, and face Kamoshida.

She couldn't skip because her father wouldn't let her without a reason.

And she wasn't going to put more on his plate by explaining what had happened.

He might get aggressive when he's drunk, but he truly loves Yuuen and doesn't want to have anything happen to her.

He'd flip if he knew Yuuen was having trouble at school.

Not to mention being assaulted.

She sighed and turned to face her window.

It then started to rain staining the glass with water droplets.

She placed her hand on the cold glass and sighed, 'I wonder what Akira would do...'


"You did nothing wrong, and don't apologize to that bastard Kamoshida... don't worry I'll fix things, just hang on for a few more weeks," Akira said looking into Yuuen's eyes.


Those words rang into her head.

What exactly did he mean by, "Fix things"?

Yuuen sighed sitting up.

She couldn't believe she ignored all of those injured volleyball players and incidents with Kamoshida.

She got away before it got really bad, but all of those students, they couldn't run. All they could do is endure it with no help and no hope.

She can't even begin to imagine what would have happened if Kamoshida caught her.

'Is this what Shiho went through?' She questioned clenching her hands together in fear.

She remembered her black-haired friend, and how despite her saddened expression she didn't hesitate to reach out a hand to those in need.

But now, she fast asleep in a coma that she might not even wake up from.

Yuuen doubts Shiho would want to see her even if she did wake up, after all, she made it pretty clear that she wanted nothing to do with Yuuen.


"Don't touch me!" She yelled falling to the ground.

"Shiho..." Yuuen mumbled watching the frightened girl pull herself together and stand up.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me Morito-senpai," Shiho said returning to her old name, causing a frown on the girl's face.

"I don't need your pity." She said making Yuuen tense up in shock.

She then turned and walked out the door leaving Yuuen speechless and feeling the need to cry.


Besides, Yuuen has this awful suspicion.

That perhaps, she was the reason Shiho got called out that day.

And that made her sick to her stomach, just thinking about it.

Normally her intuition is pretty spot on.

If she was right...then... Shiho's suicide would actually be her fault.

Yuuen felt the urge to throw up.

She swallowed the urge and clenched her shaky fists in fear and frustration.

'I'm so sorry Shiho...' Yuuen said as tears began to flow from her eyes.

Just as her tears began to drip down from her face and onto her clenched fists, a familiar voice rang in her head.

The voice said the same thing Akira said the other day, "You did nothing wrong. Don't apologize to that bastard, Kamoshida..." But it sounded more feminine and stern.

The moment Yuuen noticed she sat up in shock, as the voice disappeared.

"Kamoshida..." Yuuen murmured to herself.

She then realized that she is going to have to face Kamoshida tomorrow.

But how could she face him after what he did?

"Damn, what would Akira do?" She whispered to herself thinking of her shaggy-haired friend.

She remembered all the times people antagonized him in the hallways, or asked him about being a delinquent.

And how he made no reaction, and just walked away.

She knew it affected him, there was no way it didn't. But he smiled when he walked in in the mornings and acted like nothing ever happened.

'Acted like nothing ever happened...' She repeated inside her mind.

Her eyes widened in realization.

'Of course!' She grinned, Kamoshida baited her! He's expecting for her to act like something is wrong, and he will try to call her out for it the next day.

'Kamoshida's smart. But not invincible,' Yuuen noted, 'The only way I have a chance at victory is if I outplay him.'

'I can do this.' She told herself.

'All I have to do is act as nothing ever happened. And avoid him at all costs!'


(Hmm, I wonder what that mysterious voice was? Persona?

Or perhaps, a shadow?)

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