Faith VI | Just a Little Crush

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PROTIP: I've written "Phantom Thieves" as "Phantom Troop" Over 16 times now. Every time just makes me sad because I want to rewatch HxH.

(I'm running out of protips T^T)


"This is Kamoshida's treasure?" Ryuji exclaimed holding the medal trophy in his hands.

Morgana mewed in response, "The core of his desires..." He explained licking his paw.

"What can we do with this?" Ann asked looking between the other three members of the Phantom Thieves.

"Maybe we could pawn it?" Ryuji suggested making the other two look at him in shock.

"It's not the real deal, but it should get us some cash..." Ann said holding her chin in thought. "What do you say, Leader?" She turned towards Akira.

"That sounds good, but what would we even use the money for?" Akira pushed up the rims of his glasses.

"Um, a celebration of course!" Ryuji butted in an obvious tone.

"Seriously?" Morgana sweatdropped.

"Oh! I know the perfect place!" Ann smiled with stars in her eyes, "There's this really high-end buffet that I've always wanted to go to!"

"A buffet?" Ryuji questioned somewhat confused.

"I've heard the food there is absolutely legendary and there is no limit onto what you can eat!" Ann smiled thinking about it.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Morgana praised earning a glare from Ryuji.

"You change sides pretty quickly when it comes to Ann, don't you? You damn cat." Ryuji muttered as Morgana ignored him.

Akira smiled at the two's interaction.

"Alright, that sounds like a plan." Akira smiled.

"But what about Morito-san?" Ann questioned making the rest of the group lookup.

"What about her?" Akira questioned tilting his head a bit as he leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"Well she did help us... or at least try to. I'd feel guilty if we didn't invite her." Ann explained fiddling with her hands.

"Yeah, she's been through a lot too." Ryuji hummed in agreement. "But she doesn't know about the Phantom Thieves, how can we host a party while keeping her in the dark?"

"She already knows that we're the Phantom Thieves, she just doesn't know about the Metaverse, or how we changed Kamoshida's heart. I'm pretty sure she knows that we did though." Ann explained as Akira looked at her.

"I'm alright with it if you guys are. Besides, I'd like her to be there." Akira mentioned without thinking about it.

"Hmmm?" Morgana teased a bit as Akira tensed up, realizing what he said.

"I-It's not like that! She's just been through a lot and doing something like this would cheer her up!" Akira defended with a slight blush on his face.

"O-oh ho ho!?" Ryuji teased, "Does our leader have a crush?"

"I do not!" Akira retorted pushing back his glasses and trying to die down his bright red blush.

"I'm just kidding man! You don't have to get so defensive!" Ryuji laughed playfully elbowing him in the side.

Ann just watched as her eyes dimmed, and her heart fell.


It was Akira's job to ask Yuuen about the celebration since they were in the same class. Currently, however, he was impatiently waiting for the bell to ring, signifying school is over.

He tapped his finger and anxiously watched the clock tick slowly.

He had finished counting to 60 for the 4th time before the bell finally rung and the class began to clear out making Akira shoot up in excitement.

"Yuuen." He turned around facing the bluenette who was still gathering her stuff.

"Hm? Akira? What's gotten you so eager?" She questioned, "I've never seen you like this..." She mentioned quietly.

"Well, my friends and I are going to a buffet and we were wondering if you wanted to join us." Akira explained as Yuuen looked off into the distance with a finger rested on her bottom lip, clearly thinking.

"Buffet? What's the occasion?" She questioned tilting her head.

"A celebration." He said simply not wanting to go into further detail, she got the indication, however.

Her gaze fell a bit as she looked almost... disappointed?

Akira felt his heart drop. For some reason, the thought of Yuuen being disappointed in him hurt a lot more than he thought it would.

She sighed and made a slow blink.

"Tell me the date and I'll see if I'm available." She said with a slight smile.

Akira knew the smile was slightly forced but he couldn't help the gleam of happiness in his eyes.

"Alright, I'll tell you when we settle on a date," Akira said calmly but his insides were ecstatic, almost jumping around in excitement.

The pair both left, heading in their separate directions.

Akira looked back at the bluenette one more time before quietly cheering to himself, "Yes!" with a slight fist-bump.

Morgana poked his head out of Akira's bag.

"Wow, somebody has a massive crush," Morgana stated teasingly.

"Oh shut up, Mr. Lady Ann is the most meowlous girl in the world." Akira rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help the slight blush on his face.

"But she truly is..." Morgana sighed with hearts in his eyes.

"Whatever, stupid cat," Akira said with a friendly smirk.

"I'm not a cat! I'm Morgana!" He interjected with a hiss.


Short chapter, but filled with fluff just like I promised.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now