Faith VIII | Joyful Memories

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PROTIP:  Yuuen doesn't have full awareness of who are members of the Phantom Thieves. As of right now, she is confident Akira, Ryuji, and Ann are members and Yusuke, who'd she'd only met once or twice, could have possibly been one as well.

In other words, Yuuen has no idea that both Makoto and Morgana are members of the Phantom Thieves.


Akira's shadow was unlike any the team had ever faced prior to it.

Drowning in insecurities and fears, Akira's shadow relished in the sheer power drawn from those negative emotions.

Despite this, the team had a trump card in their hands; Akira himself. Akira's shadow gained strength from Akira's negative emotions and the more confident Akira became the weaker the shadow became.

It wasn't long until they were finally able to put an end to it, just sparing the shadow before it would have died.

Breathless and panting the team sighed in relief as Akira was finally freed from the chains of grief that held him down.

The shadow began to fade away as Akira flopped to the ground, feeling both mentally and physically exhausted from the battle.

"Akira-kun, are you alright?" Makoto questioned standing beside him quite exhausted herself, panting a bit between breaths.

"I'll be alright... I'm just tired. Thank you, Makoto." He said gratefully even though his posture was very slouchy.

"Ugh! I'm beat!" Ryuji groaned sitting down against the wall.

"Agreed." Ann moaned lying on the ground in exhaustion.

Even Yusuke and Morgana appeared exhausted which is generally unlike them.

"That shadow appeared to have taken quite the supply of SP to defeat." Yusuke sighed wiping his brow as he looked at the collapsed team.

"It took every single one of us too, with constant rotations..." Morgana groaned feeling exhaustion hit him at full-force.

"I'm just glad everything is over..." Ann said in relief as she propped her head up on her hands.

"I am too..." Akira noted turning to face the rest of the team whilst still sitting on the ground.

"Now that everything is taken care of and we are reformed as a team it's time to focus back on our primary objective," Akira said slightly grimly, a bit of anxiety for Yuuen's health boiling in the pit of his stomach.

If something were to happen to her then it would have been all his fault-...

No, he had to stop thinking like that. That's exactly how the shadow overcame him the first time.

"Akira-kun...? What's wrong?" Ann questioned seeing her Leader's conflicted expression.

"It's..." Akira paused. It wasn't nothing, like he was going to say. Granted, he didn't want his team to worry but through the shadow Akira realized something, he always did everything himself.

Don't rely on others, because they might bail on him; that was his mentality.

Akira had to change that, his team wasn't only a team. They were his friends and the closest thing to family he's ever had. They've had his back through thick and thin, he had to start placing his trust in them.

"I'm... worried about Yuuen." He stated, earning a slightly shocked look from the other members of the team. Akira had never once shown weakness before, so his sudden display of insecurity shocked the team members.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now