Faith III | Reconciliation

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PROTIP: Yuuen is a bluenette with auburn eyes. She usually wears her hair in two low ponytails but since her hair is on the shorter side it just barely reaches her shoulders. Her cute appearance is one of the main reasons why several students in the school see her as a big sister.


It was another day at school and Yuuen and Akira still hadn't made up.

Akira sighed as he watched the bluenette walk into the classroom and take a seat, all without sparing him a glance.


"Good morning Kurusu-kun!" Yuuen smiled cheerfully making Akira smile back.

It wasn't like he was really trying to smile, it's just Yuuen has this aura, that when she's happy everyone around her can't help but be happy as well.

"Good morning, Morito-san." He smiled watching her sit in her seat.

"Good morning, Morgana." She whispered now that she sat down still being as energetic and cheerful as she normally is.

The cat just meowed in response.


Akira smiled a bit thinking about how his mornings used to be.

That quickly turned into a frown when he saw the girl avoid from his gaze with a slight 'Hmph.'

He then directed his gaze back to the window, with the happy gleam in his eyes removed.

He hated this.


Kawakami-sensei was giving one of her classic, uninterested lectures; one of which Akira had not paid attention for a single sentence.

He just wasn't in the mood to study, so he glanced out the window beside him instead. Thinking about life, mementos, how to take down Kamoshida and above all else, Yuuen.

Soon it began to rain, which only added to the depressing mood.

Normally he found rain quite calming and relaxing, but at this moment all it did was make his heart fall even further.

Soon, class was dismissed as the bell rung and the students ushered out of the classroom and into the hallways trying to leave.

The small drizzle of rain quickly turned into pouring rain as students walked out of the building, some forgetting an umbrella and running to the train station getting soaked in the process.

Luckily, Akira saw the weather from the small T.V. found in Leblanc and brought a navy blue umbrella to shield him from the rain.

As he walked out he couldn't help but notice the melancholy bluenette hold her hand out to feel the rain, she obviously didn't bring an umbrella.

As much as he wanted to offer his own, he wasn't so sure she'd want to accept it, or even respond to him if he did that.

It would probably just provoke her even further.

So he decided to stay a safe distance away, following her as she walked to the station.

Although technically he wasn't following her, he needed to head to that station as well. Just to play it safe, however, he stayed a good distance away.

Yuuen walked slow, not caring about the rain which soaked her navy blue hair and her pristine black uniform.

Akira just looked away, trying to keep his mind off the girl a few meters ahead of him.


Eventually, they reached a crosswalk crowded with people waiting to cross the street.

The only place shielded from the rain was packed with people and it was virtually impossible to squeeze a spot underneath unless you want to get squished between two old men.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now