Faith IX | Awkward Silence

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PROTIP: An Acquired skill is a skill that is developed by a further deepening of one's resolve. In order to get one, a persona user must have developed a shadow (after awakening their persona) and then crush that shadow, deepening their rebellious will. The reason why Ann didn't receive her's as fast as Akira did is because she never truly got rid of her shadow, she just suppressed it. (At least until in the final battle she decided to finally get over her jealousy for Yuuen). Acquired skills are extremely powerful, but they take both a mental and physical toll, not only inside the Metaverse but outside as well. It's about equivalent to awakening a persona for the first time. (Hence why Joker was so tired after using his Acquired skill, he used it once and then didn't get proper rest before using it again).


"Ugh!" Ryuji groaned as he was thrown into a small alleyway, leaving the palace once and for all. "Damn! I feel like I just got my ass whooped." He sighed, trying to stretch some of his achy muscles as he felt the effects of getting beat up in the Metaverse.

"Speak for yourself..." Akira groaned, holding his head a bit as he leaned against a nearby wall,

"Hey Morgana, didn't you say that any injuries we acquired in the Metaverse shouldn't exist in real life?" Makoto questioned, holding a hand on her side, the place where she got a grave wound.

"Well, they don't. It's just since your brain is still processing there's an injury there, you're probably feeling the pain despite actually not having any injuries." Morgana explained, licking his paw as he reverted back to his cat form.

"Holy crap... you can actually talk..." Yuuen said in awe as she poked his head, not being able to resist the urge to pet the black-furred cat.

"Yeah, once you hear Morgana in the Metaverse, you soon realize he can talk in real life as well," Ryuji explained, feeling the aching in his body finally die down a bit.

"How are you holding up anyways, Yuuen?" Akira questioned, looking over to the bluenette girl petting Morgana, who furiously tried to dodge her hand.

"Could be better..." She joked, rubbing the back of her neck. "I feel like I got hit by a truck."

"Agreed..." Ann sighed. She hadn't even attempted to get off the ground since leaving the palace.

"Akira, was it this exhausting for you when you used your 'Acquired Skill' for the first time as well?" She questioned, leaning back against the wall of the alleyway.

"Pretty much..." He chuckled, "I still get that every time I use though..."

"And you still decided to head back into the palace the next day..." Yusuke mentioned, not really meaning any harm by his words, "Quite the reckless plan."

Akira just awkwardly looked away, feeling his face heat up a bit in embarrassment, "I-... was just anxious to save Yuuen, that's all."

"I'm just glad everything worked out in the end." Makoto sighed, wiping away the bangs that fell in front of her face, her 'wound' had finally stopped hurting thankfully, allowing the girl to move normally.

"Mhm!" Yuuen nodded, finally having the strength to stand up.

"I'm really glad to be back in the real world, being in the Metaverse for so long took a toll on my body..." Yuuen said as she fiddled with her wrists.

She was still in her school uniform when she had left and although her appearance changed while she was in the Metaverse, once she had left, it had returned back to her school uniform.

"Speaking off, you're looking a little skinnier than normal, Yuu-chan," Makoto mentioned as Yuuen nodded, although it wasn't anything severe, being in the Metaverse for so long began to have real effects on her actual body.

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