Faith XXX | Insurmountable Wall

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PROTIP: 15 meters is around 50 feet. (You'll see why that matters later in the story)

(A/N: Sorry for the slightly delayed update, midterms, as well as basketball, basically threw my leisure time down the drain; as the last of my priorities was to write. But to no worries, I finished my midterms with decent scores as I'm hopefully able to continue writing.


"So, this is Morito-san's house?" Yusuke questioned as the trio of Phantom Thieves stood outside the door, a safe enough distance away to not seem suspicious.

He had seen the house before, once when they went to drop ramen off when they believed she was "sick", but it was dark and he wasn't able to get a very good look at it.

"Yeah, and I'm sure that lying bastard is inside as well. Not even giving a shit about his own daughter!" Ryuji tsked beginning to strut right on over to the door.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Makoto stopped him with a sigh, "You can't just walk up to the front door again, he'll call the cops on us!"

"Plus, it may have a negative effect on the palace. We shouldn't be taking risks when Yuuen's life could be in danger." Yusuke advised as Ryuji let out an exaggerated sigh.

"I know! I know!" His eyes rolled in their sockets as he let his head drop a little in dejection. "It just makes me so pissed that Yuuen's trapped and there and we can't do shit about it!" He groaned kicking a small pebble nearby in frustration.

"We all are, but making rash decisions is only going to escalate the problem." Makoto's eyes glistened with empathy as she watched the frustrated blonde. "We're already down three members, if we want this to work out we have to be extraordinarily cautious."

"Besides, finding out the information for the palace is why we're here right?" Yusuke noted as he stood beside Makoto, in full agreement with her statement.

"Yeah..." He sighed feeling his spirits lift slightly at the comfort of his friends. "Alright, let's stop messing around then."

"Agreed." The two voices rang in unison.

There was a slight pause of silence before the sudden awkward tension befell the three.

"So um... what do we do now?" Makoto asked awkwardly, still slightly new to this whole 'Stealing someone's heart' experience.

"Well normally, this is when we brainstorm with the rest of the team about ideas for what the palace could be," Yusuke explained as Makoto nodded, still not slightly getting it.

"But how do you do that?" Makoto asked slightly skeptical, Yusuke's reasoning was vaguer then she would like it to be.

"Well, generally we start with discussing what we already know...and then it just kinda' comes to together from there," Ryuji explains earning a reluctant sigh from Makoto.

"That's it? You just hope you'll figure it out?!" Makoto sighed beginning to truly understand how unorganized the Phantom Thieves really is. "Well... I guess it's better than nothing." A sigh escaped her lips.

Yusuke nodded before pulling out his cellphone, turning on the Navi app in the process.

"So to start off, we know Morito-san is trapped inside Taiga Morito's palace." Yusuke said, getting a 'ding' on the Navi App, beginning open the door to Taiga's palace. "And that palace is his apartment."

"Yeah and that bastard is shutting Yuuen out from the rest of the world!" Ryuji rolled his eyes as Makoto rested her hand on her chin in thought.

"Shutting out to the rest of the world..." Makoto repeated, mumbling out her thoughts audibly.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now