Faith VIII | Latent Feelings

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PROTIP: Yuuen had finally gotten over the whole gold-eye incident with Akira, and now just cared more about seeing him more than anything else. Therefore, their relationship was restored to what it had originally been.


She opened her eyes with a gasp as she looked around, only to be unfamiliar with her surroundings.

"W-where am I?" She questioned feeling her head spin a bit.

Suddenly it progressed into a massive headache and she sat up quickly to hold her head in her hands.

But she then quickly realized her hands- along with her legs were covered in chains.

"Huh?" She questioned realized she was restrained yet at the same time she sat in an elegant black bed.

"Chains?" She questioned feeling the tightly bound metal along her wrists.

"And when did I get into these clothes?!" She questioned looking around to see herself in a simple white dress, while she wore no shoes or accessories, just the pure white dress ontop her petite frame.

She looked around to see that she was some sort of weird bedroom with all black furniture and an unusual choice of flooring, which consisted of black and red checker print tiles. The only thing that was dressed in white within the entire room was her, making the young girl stick out like a sore thumb.

Even the flowers were red, held within a black vase.

And there was this broken clock on the wall that every time it ticked towards '12:00', it immediately snapped back to 11:00." It didn't even say if it was A.M. or P.M.

She glared at the clock, inwardly calling it the most useless piece of machinery in existence.

She forced her body to lift itself up off the black king-size bed, which proved to be quite the challenge considering the heavy chains that weighed down her body.

She didn't know where she was; or how she got there, but she did know that it wasn't good. She had to get out of there.

She tugged and tugged but the chains around her ankles wouldn't allow her to move further than an inch or two away from the bed, and the door had to have been a least a foot or two away.

"Well, if I could just find where the chains are coming from, I might be able to detach them from the ankles or at least the wall..." She mumbled to no one in particular before looking underneath the bed to see the chains vanish into thin air.

"What?!" She questioned yanking the chains only for them not to budge.

Soon the reality of her situation began to kick in, "Ok... so I'm locked in a room, bound up by chains... in a weird dress... in which I have no idea where I am or how I got here..." She gave a panicked laugh.

"It's ok, Yuuen. This is just a really bad dream. You'll wake up soon and realize you're laying in the warm comforting blue covers of your bed, and everything was just a weird nightmare." She laughed to herself before plopping back onto the black bed in which she had come to despise.

She vowed that when she got out of this room, she was going to throw out every piece of black furniture in her house and replace it with white or something colorful.

"No worries." She smiled awkwardly, "Just gotta wake up."

"Sounds easy right?" She leaned back onto the mattress and looked up at the pure black ceiling before deciding to shift her attention to anything that wasn't black such as the red and gold clock on the wall.

She watched as the clock ticked back and forth, clearly broken, from 11 to 12.

It went once, then twice and then three times.

She counted down for what had to be at least a half-hour or so before she finally sat up.

She decided she had to try and reach the door, no matter how impossible it seemed. Anything was better than staying in this eerie black bedroom.

The chains screeched as she pushed towards the door hard enough to make her ankles scream in pain as they felt like they've been seared from the friction.

Although, despite her troubles; she got no closer to the door than when she tried before.

Eventually, she tripped causing her to fall onto her face with a bloody nose.

"Oww!" She hissed holding up her tripping nose that throbbed in pain as her ankles felt like they had been whipped and her knees began to form bruises from the impact.

Beyond the pain, she was confused and scared. Not knowing where she was or how she'd got there.

She let a single tear fall to the ground.

And after that tear, it was like a dam broke causing her to sob as she laid on the floor in pain.

"Someone! Anybody!" She screamed hoping someone would hear her from the other side of the door, but to no avail.

"Please..." She cried, her voice dying down. "Anyone..."

"Help me..."

She thought of her father, in which she grimaced, knowing he would be no help; before thinking of a familiar face.

She envisioned a misunderstood boy with messy black hair and a thick pair of glasses, he was slim and seemed to have the most gentle eyes and kind smile Yuuen believes she'd ever seen.

Her heart seemed to pick up speed at the thought of him, as it always did.

It was like every instance of meeting him flowed into her mind as she recalled the countless times his calm voice seemed to make her face feel as if it was on fire. Or how her voice seemed to get caught in her throat every time his warm gray eyes made contact with her crystal blue ones.

All the times he laughed at her jokes or offered to buy her coffee,

Every time he ran after her, knowing she was feeling down,

Every time her name rolled off his soft lips,

Every time he gave her that rare and heartwarming smile, wishing that she was the only one who was able to see it,

Every time he was just... him.

It was in that moment she finally understood.

Why did she always perk up at the sound of his voice?

Or why did her lips curve up into a smile every time he said her name?

It was simple.

Because she loves him.

She loves everything about him, his dorky laugh, his calming deep voice, his gentle smile.

Everything about him was perfect.

"Akira..." She mumbled clenching her shaky hands.


"Save me."


Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat