Faith IX | Yuuen pt. 2

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PROTIP: Since they were childhood sweethearts, Taiga and Ayako got married really early, being in their early to mid-twenties when getting married.


As confident as she was when originally awakening her persona, she had begun to realize, she severely underestimated the sheer exertion it would require to use a newly awakened persona.

'I've gotta' end this fast...' She clenched her teeth a bit, tightening her grip on Petrosinella.

Despite knocking her father far back into a pillar and doing some damage to him, she hadn't managed to land a secure hit on him since, yet he seemed to have nailed her to the ground time and time again.

"Yuu-chan! Watch out!" Makoto coughed out as Yuuen turned in time just to block an incoming attack, sliding a few feet away.

"Give it up, Yuuen." He glared pointing his sword at her weakened form.

She was clearly exhausted, her stand faltering and clear indications of heavy breathing in her chest and shoulders.

"I... would never!" She hissed, adjusting her stance before attacking again.

This went on for a while until she was finally knocked off her feet, rolling a few feet backward as her mask went back onto her face.

"Yuuen!" Akira screamed, forcing himself to rise slightly.

It didn't matter, he didn't have enough energy to move a single muscle and he simply had too many injuries already.

'C'mon you have to help her!' He screamed at himself, clenching his fists.

This was devastating, he was the leader, he was supposed to be the one who saved Yuuen.

But it was he who was being saved.

'Pathetic...' He tsked, looking around at his teammates, all of which were in bad shape.

He wanted more than anything to help Yuuen, fight alongside her, or at least take a hit so that she wouldn't get hurt any more than she already had.

'But I can't even move my legs!' He cursed at himself as he slammed his fist on the ground slightly in pain.

Was all the effort he went through to get here for nothing?

He can't even summon a persona, he also hasn't heard from Arsene ever since his last attack.

His thoughts were cut off when a foot slammed in front of his face, walking menacingly towards Yuuen who laid crippled onto a pile of rubble.

"It's game over Yuuen. Give up, there's no use in getting hurt anymore." Taiga said monotonously, any anger or sympathy for the girl completely vanished.

This was just becoming a pain.

He didn't like having to hurt Yuuen, but he didn't have any other choice if she kept resisting.

"I-... can't do that..." She glared before she was knocked over again, kicked across the face by her own father.

"Yuuen... don't do this!" Akira pleaded, she might actually die at this rate and he can't do anything to stop it.

Yuuen didn't listen though.

She just took injury after injury as she stood back up each time, glaring harshly at the man she once called "Father".

'Was this all I could do...?' She questioned internally, biting her lip a bit as she was yet again thrown to the floor.

'Is this the end?' 

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