Faith IV | Another Chance

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(PROTIP: Makoto and Yuuen went to the same Junior-High although, they were in different grades)


It's been a week since Shiho's attempted suicide and things have finally started to calm down, the press had stopped visiting the school and students stopped gossiping about her.

The new topic of discussion was the rumors that both Akira, Mishima, Ryuji and Yuuen were all getting expelled for "Harassing a Teacher".

It was expected of Akira and Ryuji but Yuuen had her own pile of rumors about her.

Rumors such as her "being dragged down by delinquents" or how the delinquents are "converting her to their ways", the rumors just went on and on and Yuuen was starting to understand how Akira felt.

To be frank, Yuuen was scared... no petrified of being expelled. She doesn't take back what she said to Kamoshida, but the last thing she wanted to do was get expelled.

She had a very good reputation and a successful journey ahead of her, for her to get expelled now would plummet all of her future opportunities.

She sighed as she sat into her seat, ignoring the gossiping girls standing by the doorway.

"Don't let them get to you," Akira said as he sat down in his seat.

"I know... it's just... I'm scared of getting expelled..." Yuuen mumbled playing with her hands to ease her nerves.

It was like something awoken in Akira in that moment and he changed into a completely different person, "Don't be. You're not going to get expelled, I'll make sure of it." He said in a serious tone of voice, much different from the calm and gentle voice he normally used.

"W-what are you talking about?" Yuuen asked curiously.

"You did nothing wrong, and don't apologize to that bastard Kamoshida... don't worry I'll fix things, just hang on for a few more weeks," Akira said looking into Yuuen's eyes.

She couldn't help but gulp in fear.

As much as she trusted Akira, she could tell from his piercing gaze he meant business, which only worried her more in the end.

'What are you even planning to do, Akira?' She questioned internally, watching the boy turn around and go back to review material before class started.


"Morito-san." A voice said erupting the girl from her wandering thoughts as she walked through the hallway.

She turned around facing the one person she really didn't want to see.

"Kamoshida-sensei..." She mumbled uncomfortably.

"It's such a shame you got roped in with those delinquents," He started earning a hateful glare from the female. "I really didn't want to do this, but if things continued the way they were going, it was the only way to keep my students as well as faculty safe." He explained.

"It's only unsafe because you make it that way..." She said nervously intimidated by her teacher's tall figure.

"I am here to keep my students safe, it's a shame you don't see it that way," Kamoshida explained getting slightly irritated at her comment.

"I want all of my students to respect and care for me as I care for them, which is why I am willing to give you as well as those delinquents another chance." He said earning her interest.

"Another chance?" Yuuen questioned finally interested in the conversation.

"If you give me an apology on their behalf, as well as yours, I may be willing to overlook this disagreement." He explained with a malicious grin on his face.

"If your willing to solve this dispute without expelling neither myself or the others, I will do anything to work towards that goal," Yuuen said seriously standing strong against her superior.

Akira was fighting to take down Kamoshida, but that doesn't guarantee it won't just screw things over for him further.

If Yuuen wants to help Akira coming to a peaceful agreement now, before things get worse, this could be the only thing she can do.

She never liked Kamoshida-sensei, and she knows he does something with the volleyball members, everyone knows. But this is crossing a line.

She can't stop Kamoshida, but maybe she can diffuse the intensity between both parties.

She won't allow this to end in bloodshed, it's up to her. Not only as a member of the Student Council but as a student of Kamoshida-sensei and a friend of Akira she has to do this.

"That's great! See me in my office after school, and try not to tell anyone. I don't want any more ridiculous rumors to start up again." He said walking away with an evil smile on his face.

The girl just watched as her teacher walked away proudly, clenching her fists in determination.

'I sware I'll save you Akira...'


(Sorry for the short chapter, I just feel like this a good part to leave it off on)

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