Faith ??? | Feeling of Dread

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PROTIP: The author has had a little writer's block for a while now so her writing hasn't been to the best of her abilities. She'll try to improve that in this chapter <3.


The bluenette sighed, opening the door to the all to the familiar house.

"I'm home!" She said placing her bags down before inspecting the state of her cluttered and dusty house.

The smell of liquor and dirty laundry filled her nose as her eye twitched in disgust.

At the right moment, she could recall the old smell of pumpkin spice and fern trees that used to greet her every time she walked into the doors.

Her mother's favorite season was fall and she always burnt candles around the spotless house, giving a small and homey atmosphere. She would be greeted at the door by her comely mother who always bore a gentle smile on her face and smelt like fresh apples.

She sighed once more as the all-to-familiar memory faded away like the autumn leaves in winter and the sweet smell of pumpkin spice turned to the bitter smell of Jake Daniels, liquor.

The smell of alcohol was more pungent than normal, and instantly she'd known her father had been nearby. Yuuen didn't even bother looking for the drunken man and headed straight for her room instead, shaken about the recent events that transpired.

She plopped on her bed as she flipped over, thinking about what had happened.

"Akira..." She muttered silently, unable to stop worrying about the black-haired boy.

'Was that even really him?' She wondered as she felt a migraine occur once more. She couldn't shake the feeling that something more was going on, 'First it was Kamoshida... then my father...'

She was close to putting the pieces together before she heard the doorknob open revealed her uncoordinated father.

"Y-Yuuen..." He muttered as she shot up from her bed and slight panic.

"Y-Yes?" She questioned slightly happy that he wasn't addressing her as 'Ayako' while he was clearly drunk out of his mind.

"D-Don't leave..." He mumbled, leaning against the door for support, confusing the blue-haired girl.

"Leave? But I just got home..." She questioned, very confused about his odd behavior.

"Don't leave!" He slurred his words holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand.

"W-What are you talking about?!" Yuuen asked standing up from her bed seriously worried about her father.

"I-....Won't let you go!" He hissed grabbing onto her shoulders as he finally looked into her eyes.

Yuuen's eyes widened as she recognized his eyes.

They gleamed a dark gold as his face was flushed as a clear indication of intoxication and she could have sworn for a moment it had seemed as if he was a knight in dark maroon armor.

"D-Dad?" She questioned scared out of her mind as her body became rigid. Her heart dropped as she had no idea what was going on or what she was even supposed to do.

Suddenly the room began to distort as her heart picked up its pace, feeling as if it was running a marathon alone simply out of fear.

Her body went to fight or flight as she let out an ear-piercing screech before her voice vanished, just like the rest of her, leaving nothing but the cellphone she was holding in her wake.


"You seemed to have frightened Yuuen-san a lot," Morgana mentioned as Akira looked away slightly uncomfortable in the conversation.

"I'll apologize tomorrow... things got a little out of hand today. I just got really defensive when she pointed out how the Phantom Thieves might have been unjust. I just... wasn't ready for harsh criticism I guess..." He sighed rubbing his temple.

"Well, you better! If you guys don't make it up then Yuuen will never give me that free delicious tuna ever again!" Morgana stated with a confident smile on his face.

"Is food all you think about?" Akira joked opening up the door to the cafe, "And I'll defiantly make it up to her. That's a promise."

"Sounds like a plan!" Morgana smiled hopping out of Akira's bag and onto the ground.

"Now time for some yummy food!" He drooled as Akira sweatdropped.

'Food really is all that that cat thinks about, well I guess except from 'Lady Ann'.' He shook his head with a slight smile.

Suddenly, Akira got a terrible feeling.

As if a giant wave of evil was hanging over his head and about to engulf him entirely. He felt as if he was suffocating as he fell against the counter; leaning against it for support.

His head throbbed as he anticipating the worst.

For some odd reason, Akira felt as if something really bad happened, like really bad.

"Kid?! What the hell has gotten into you?! Are you sick again?" Sojiro panicked helped the boy stand up again.

"N-no..." He muttered holding his head in pain. "I just get the feeling something really bad happened."

"Like what?" Sojiro asked confused at his odd behavior.

"I'm not sure..." Akira mumbled as he allowed himself to get lifted back onto his feet.

"You're probably just tired, go get some rest," Sojiro instructed helping him up the stairs.

"Y-yeah..." Akira breathed out letting go of Sojiro once he was in his room.

"I hope that's it."

Morgana just watched with a worried look on his face.


He woke up the next morning feeling more refreshed than he was the night's prior.

He took a deep inhale as he looked in the mirror, fixing his hair a bit as he prepared himself to give Yuuen a sincere apology.

"You seem chipper this morning." Morgana yawned hopping off the bed to follow the peppy boy.

"Yeah, sleep's really cleared my head and I feel a whole lot better about apologizing to Yuuen now!" Akira smiled microwaving some of Sojiro's relatively decent curry.

"That's the spirit! Perhaps she'll take us out for sushi!" Morgana drooled as Akira rolled his eyes.

'All he wants is fish!'

Akira decided to head to school early that morning, wanting to get the pressure of guilt off his chest as soon as possible and make it up with Yuuen quickly.

He sat down in his seat as he watched the clock in anticipation, waiting for the familiar blue head of hair that typically sat behind him.

Despite his eagerness to see Yuuen, he couldn't help shake this feeling of dread he had in the back of his mind from last night.

'What was that?' He questioned feeling another headache occur.

Soon the other classmates began to file in and class had begun, but the bluenette girl never showed up.

Akira frowned as he glanced at the empty desk behind him.

'Perhaps she's late.' He convinced himself although a part of him knew that wasn't the case.

He waited the entire day, waiting to see just a glimpse of those familiar blue orbs that always made his heart skip a beat or two.

But she never showed up.


(Thanks to all who commented on the story, there's nothing more heartwarming and inspiring than people telling you that they love your work! Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the story!)

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