Faith ??? | A Gleam of Gold

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(PROTIP: When the pair is confused about how close they really are; there will be question marks to indicate the confusion because there is no real number to represent the relationship at this point)


The next few weeks passed by like a blur.

Soon the press stopped showing up to the school and many students have forgotten about the whole 'Kamoshida' incident. Granted, they only showed interest in the first place due to the sheer amount of drama that emerged because of it.

Everything was back to normal... well almost.

It seems as if Akira hadn't given up the Phantom Thieves after the Kamoshida incident and was still at it; taking down Madarame, a corrupt artist who plagiarized his student's work. He even seemed to have added a new member to his makeshift justice squad.

Yuuen's eyes wandered off to the ceiling as she began to ponder his name; 'Yusuki?... Tosuke? Sasuke? Oh right! Yusuke was his name!' She realized with a slight fist bump to herself.

She didn't know him too well; but from what she had seen, he had been quite the perfectionist, critiquing almost everything he sees.

She sighed looking back to the black-haired boy in front of her whose head bobbed down a little bit, the indication of exhaustion.

She glared a bit before kicking him again in the calves, jolting him awake.

"O-Ow!" He hissed turning back to come face to face with Yuuen's annoyed eyes.

"Kurusu-san!" Usami-sensei hissed seeing the boy turn around to talk to the female behind him.

"Detention!" She snapped hitting her hand against her desk, obvious irritated by her lack of coffee. "That goes for both of you!" She glared making Yuuen open her mouth in protest.

"Speak again, and you'll have detention for the rest of the week!" She glared turning back to the board as Yuuen just closed her mouth shooting Akira a death glare.

'Sorry...' He mouthed before turning back around awkwardly earning some curious glances from the other students.

'Just great.' Yuuen sighed looking out the window.


"Now you two be quiet for a few minutes while I go get some papers from the copier," Usami-sensei said turning back to the two uninterested students.

"I can trust you to do that, can I?" Usami-sensei glared as Akira and Yuuen jolted up in shock immediately responding with a quick 'Of course'.

She left the classroom leaving the awkward boy alone with the agitated girl.

"Sorry..." He mumbled as Yuuen just looked away.

He pushed up his rims a bit as he awkwardly stared at the girl in front of him.

"You're not sleeping very well," Yuuen noted as she resting her hand on her cheek, still refusing to make eye contact with the boy beside her.

"I've been busy..." Akira awkwardly laughed rubbing the back of his head.

"I've noticed." She frowned finally turning back around to face him.

His eyes widened slightly as he looked into her saddened gaze.

"Why do you do this to yourself Akira? Your life is already bad enough as it is, why do you have to make it worse by putting yourself in these situations?" She frowned staring deep into his hesitant gray orbs. "You can just be a normal kid, you don't have to go around being the 'Defender of Justice' or anything..." Her gaze dropped slightly.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now