Faith VIII | Locating Yuuen pt.3

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PROTIP: Although the author is writing about a video game, writing "She was desperately low on health" seems very unrealistic. To compensate for this abnormality in writing, she rephrased many of the sentences to be like "She was desperately low on energy." or "She was beginning to feel very exhausted."

NOTE: The author did not use "turns" because that sounds weird as well. She rephrased this to "openings" as in an opening for attack.


"We're approaching the treasure!" Mona whispered to the group, peering around the corner slightly. "I can tell because the distortion here is larger. Be careful, the shadows are going to be stronger here!"

"Three shadows ahead!" Queen exclaimed turning towards her leader, "Whenever you're ready, Joker!"

Leading the ambush, Joker took an agile step forward.

What he wasn't expecting was for his foot to catch the table leg he sprinted by, faceplanting onto the ground and alerting the guards of their presence.

"Joker!" Panther screamed as the guards quickly let out an attack, knocking the blackette far back, slamming into the unsuspecting wall, making him cough in pain.

"Target Located: Elimination Commence." The guards said monotonically as it surrounded the team, changing from its typical guard-attire int o something similar to a lion. 

"Damn! We're surrounded!" Mona cried as the team braced themselves for relentless injury.

As to be expected, the team endured a harsh beating from the guards before they finally found an opening to attack.

Luckily no one was knocked-out, or at least for right now.

"Joker! What should we do?"  Queen cried waiting for her leader's instructions.

"Focus on recovery!" He forced his aching legs to stand as he applied one of Takemi-san's medicines to rejuvenate the team, at least partially.

"This is bad!" Skull hissed watching the menacing glares of the guards stare him down.

"Who would have thought the guards in this palace could be so strong?" Mona clenched one of his eyes shut as he forced himself to stand, seeing an opening of his own. However, as soon as he attacked the guard reflected wind, knocking Mona out.

"Mona!" Panther cried preparing herself to attack as well. Fire did alright, but the guards didn't seem weak to it.

This continuous struggle lasted a few turns before it was finally down to just Joker and Fox, Fox with desperately low energy and Joker slightly exhausted as well. The shadow on the other hand barely appeared affected by his injuries.

Thankfully due to the efforts of Skull, Queen, and Panther, they were able to get rid of two shadows. But that one strong shadow still remained.

"Joker, do you think we can handle this?!" Fox questioned beginning to feel nervous. Things were looking bad for the team if they didn't do something fast, they were going to lose.

Joker hissed, he was out of ideas.

Soon the guard attacked, knocking Fox off his feet, and finishing the remnants of the bluenette's already low energy.

"Fox!" Joker snapped his head around to see his teammate unconscious as the other members of his team laid on the ground, unable to move.

"J-Joker..." Panther coughed out, looking upon her distressed leader wearily.

He glared.

He wasn't going to lose here.

Not to this shadow.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now