Faith XXX | Futile Resistance

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PROTIP:  Akira has had a shadow for quite some time, but he suppressed those temptations deep down within his heart. However, when his mental state becomes fractured or his emotions take control of his rationality, it can begin to seep out slowly, consuming the boy's already damaged spirits.


"Akira... He has a shadow."

Her eyes widened at the words, and suddenly everything began to click into place. The distance between them, his coldness and insincerity, his attitude.

"N-no.. way..." She mumbled out, clasping her hands over her mouth in shock as the words the black cat uttered repeated in her mind.

'Akira has a shadow.' She repeated subconsciously, still unable to fathom the idea.

He was their leader, he was the strongest and bravest of all of them.

So out of all people, how could he?

But despite her doubts, she internally knew, it was indefinably true.

"I couldn't believe it either when I first had my suspicions, but then I saw his eyes..." Morgana trailed off looking away.

"They were-..." Ann was briefly interrupted by an irritated cat.

"Piercing gold. Just like Kamoshida's." Morgana spat feeling rage began to bubble inside him.

But beyond the rage was an unfathomable sadness.

Akira always seemed relaxed and organized, he was perfect leader material and always kept the team in check.

And Morgana was his closest friend, or at least he was Morgana's.

For Akira not to tell him when something's wrong, hurt the cat.

Shadows don't appear out of nowhere, it takes days, months, maybe even years for shadows to manifest in a person. It's just hard to believe he hadn't been having an issue with his shadow for a long time now.

And he never once looked toward Morgana for help.

Morgana noticed it a bit when Akira has weird mannerisms, such as rushing in to save someone with this look of desperation in his eyes.

Yes, it could have just been Akira being a good person, but his eyes spoke something different. He becomes desperate as if he'll die if he doesn't save them, even if it's someone he'd never met.

Morgana always brushed it off, but he can't help but get the feeling Akira's been through a lot more than just his provisional situation that he told them about.

He always had this uneasiness about him, but it all spiraled out of control when Yuuen disappeared. As if that was the breaking point in his calm and relaxed facade.

Morgana glared harshly at the ground below him, although he couldn't tell if it was in rage of Akira never telling him anything, or in frustration for him never taking the time to truly notice himself.

"Morgana..." Ann gave him a saddened look seeing the betrayal in his eyes.

"I'm sure Akira has been through a lot, but we can't deny that he's still our leader and our friend. I'm sure he has a good reason for the shadow he has. He's a good person at heart, I just know it." Ann encouraged making the cat feel just slightly better at the whole ordeal.

Morgana's eyes lifted slightly to come into gaze with Ann's crystal blue ones, he smiled slightly.

"You're right, as always Lady Ann." Morgana smiled, cheering up a bit.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now