Faith XXX | Friend A

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PROTIP: A reader made a good point on how the teammates should address each other by their first name.  So from now on, the author will be conscientious of what each team member is calling each other.


The intensity was so thick it felt like it could get cut with a knife.

On one side of the table, you had Ryuji and Makoto. Anxious about their friend's safety and wanting to save Yuuen as soon as possible.

On the other, stood Ann and Yusuke, who believed that finding the missing Morgana should be the team's top priority.

And it was all up to Akira to make the final decision.

The boy looked over to the blonde girl beside him who pleaded with her icy-blue eyes for Akira to choose his side.

Ryuji and Makoto saw it as well, in fact, they wouldn't be surprised if Akira just picked Morgana simply because of Ann's desperate glare.

"Let's find..." He started gathering his thoughts.

His mind was in shambles, constantly fighting over which side is right and it was beginning to give him quite the headache.

Not that he could show that in front of his team anyways.

He took a deep breath, feeling that awful feeling of emptiness crawl back inside of him like a bug he just couldn't shake off.

"Yuuen." He stated sharply shocking the entire team.

"What...?" Ann breathed out as the glimmer dimmed from her eyes.

Her mind was thrown for a loop while her heart fell to her stomach.

"A-are you sure?" Makoto hesitated, feeling the discomfort of her blonde friend.

"Didn't you vote for Yuuen as well,  Makoto?" Akira questioned emotionlessly, seeming to not even care about the fact that the decision significantly affected Ann. "She could be in serious danger, we have to save her. Besides, Morgana ran away on his own volition, he can come back if he really wanted to."

"W-well... yes... But that's not the point..." She wandered off, unable to find her voice as it seemed to be sucked out of her.

"It's fine." Ann said standing up abruptly.

"We put it to a vote and I was out-voted. It's as simple as that." She clenched her teeth.

"But that doesn't change my decision. I'm looking for Morgana, and I'll do so even if I have to go alone." Ann clenched her fists before storming out.

"Ann..." Makoto said sadly as she watched her blonde friend storm out.

"Takamaki!" Ryuji's eyes widened watching the beautiful girl walk away.

"Akira-kun... do you really believe that was a wise decision?" Yusuke questioned as the black-haired male looked away.

His mind was spinning as he pondered whether he should run after her or sit still.

Suddenly he felt sick and his head pounded against the inside of his skull.

"I-... need to use the bathroom." He breathed out, not sparing another moment before darting to the nearest men's restroom shocking the rest of the team.

"Well, this went great..." Ryuji said sarcastically earning a glare from the other two remaining members of the team.

"I'm going after her." Makoto declared grabbing her bag.

"Wise decision." Yusuke nodded standing up as well.

"We should reconcile the feud that occurred here. You look for Ann, we'll see how Akira's holding up." Yusuke stated, looking over to the other blonde male who also stood up, grabbing his stuff.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now