Faith XXX | Unconditional Love

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PROTIP: The author has gotten sick twice this winter and has been out for a week with both sicknesses.


"What the hell is wrong with me?" The blonde sighed as she walked down the cold and dark streets of Yongen-Jaya.

The cold air nipped her nose as the events of the previous day plagued her mind.

'Why did I say all those things to Makoto-senpai?' She pouted to herself, feeling her frustration grow slowly as she watched her slightly-worn brown boots trek down the pavement.

It was unlike her to be so cold and out-of-character.

It was like the moment she began to think about Akira and Yuuen her mind became twisted and fuzzy, not being able to decipher her feelings anymore.

'That was stupid of me.' She sighed beginning to walk underneath a tunnel as she recalled all of the horrible things she said to Makoto.

'I probably made her worry sick over me...' She thought knowingly, understanding how much of a mom Makoto can be when it comes to the Phantom Thieves and Yuuen.

Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar and long-missed voice.

"Lady Ann? Is that you?" A familiar voice said as a black cat with piercing blue eyes appeared from the depths of the tunnel.

"M-Morgana? What are you doing here?!" Ann exclaimed recognizing the black cat.

In just that brief exchange relief spread across Ann as she sighed in relief at Morgana's safety.

'He's ok.' She sighed feeling some of the tension die down a bit as she came face-to-face with the familiar blue-eyed cat.

"I could ask you the same thing." He inquired tilting his head a bit as he began to walk alongside the blonde.

"I'm just glad you're safe." She sighed before pressing forward, feeling slightly better at the arrival of her lost friend. "Oh and by the way, why did you run off like that? You had us worried sick!" Ann lectured pointing an accusing finger at the cat.

Morgana couldn't help but feel a little giddy at Ann's concern.

"I am at least partially cat, remember? Sneaking around is just one of my aspects." He joked a bit, feeling a little concerned at his inability to truly understand who he was.

"But besides that," He followed, beginning to get serious. "We've got a serious problem." Morgana's eyes shifted into a glare as the innocence gleam that was in his eye vanished within seconds.

Ann's eyes widened at the sudden shift in character from Morgana, whatever the problem Morgana had it was serious.

"Our leader..." He stopped, not knowing whether or not he should continue.

"No-... Akira..."

"He's has a shadow."


Yuuen jolted awake, feeling a familiar nightmare haunt her mind.

Something was attacking her and she was running away with a group. But the moment the enemy/monster attacked her, someone else jumped in front to take the hit.

It was... unsettling to say the least.

She sighed brushing some of her greasy blue strands of hair out of her face. She'd been bound by chains for several days now, although her meals were provided she was starting to get rather filthy which was unusual for the normally organized girl.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin