Faith XXX | Follow My Heart

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PROTIP: The image above is some redesigns of Ann and Akira's outfit the author doodled when she was bored. She was planning on making a new one for Makoto as well but then it got tiring and she stopped. They're roughly (if at all) shaded and the author didn't bother with the mask because it's a lot of work getting the eyes right.

(If you couldn't tell they were heavily inspired by Yang and Qrow from RWBY and Akira looks emo as hell but it's chill).


"I sense a strong shadow up ahead!" Morgana exclaimed through the bus radio as the bus came to a complete stop.

"Do you think it's Akira-kun's?" Makoto asked looking on ahead to see the visible distortion beyond the room.

"I'm not sure, the distortion is so strong it's hard for me to decipher..." Morgana said wearily as the rest of the team looked on expectantly.

"No... it's defiantly mine..." Akira said quietly beginning to feel nervous, which was very out-of-character for him.

Akira had an idea of what his shadow was like, but he only ever really noticed it's presence when he had his moments.

It's very likely that the shadow will share all of Akira's insecurities, maybe even ones he hasn't realized himself all in front of his team.

Akira gulped a bit.

"Hey, there's no reason for you to be nervous. We're all here for you, and we're going to help you change your heart." Ryuji encouraged slapping Akira's back teasingly. "Besides, you're still our friend no matter what the shadow is like. Some distortion isn't going to change the Akira we know."

Akira smiled a bit at his friend's encouragement.

"Thanks, Ryuji." He said gratefully, exiting the bus along with the other members of the Phantom Thieves.

"No matter what happens we have to be prepared for anything. Don't let your guard down." Yusuke noted earning an agreeable nod from the other members of the team.

"Alright team, let's do this." Akira led, taking a step into the abyssal darkness of Mementos.


Just as Akira had expected it was him, more specifically like his Joker form. But it was distorted and the ratio of colors was almost inverted; more reds and whites than black.

Akira gulped once again, feeling nerves begin to flare up.

Leaving Leblanc, he was determined to put an end to this. But seeing his shadow face-to-face he began to have his doubts.

The obvious silence and nervousness of their leader make the team tense up in slight anxiety.

It was hard to stay positive when your leader was so anxious.

"Shadow Akira-kun, we're here to change your heart." Makoto stepped forward determinedly, bringing some confidence back into the team.

"You've been hurting long enough, it's time to change that." Ann agreed stepping forward as well. Soon the rest of the team gathered back their confidence as the shadow finally turned around to face them.

"Steal my heart?" He laughed sardonically. "After everything, I did for you guys? You wouldn't have even been a team if it wasn't for me."

Akira looked away embarrassedly, he didn't actually think that but maybe there was a part of him that was a bit prideful in leading the team.

Makoto looked back at the real Akira, before turning to face his shadow with a glare.

"You might be right about that. You brought us all together, helped us break from the chains that bound us to society's rules. We're just returning the favor." Makoto stated as the shadow began to glare.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now