Faith VIII | Never Alone

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PROTIP: I believe I explained this before but Akira's shadow originally stemmed from a feeling of worthlessness and inferiority to those around him. To Akira, the only thing useful about himself was the Phantom Thieves, but once those started to be called unjust the feeling of fear and inferiority crept back up into him. This lead to the creation of Akira's shadow, although it was very minor in the beginning.


"Now let's do it! All-out attack!" The two voices resonated as they cleanly synchronized a team attack against the shadow, finishing it off completely.

Morgana sighed as he wiped the imaginary beads of sweat from his furry forehead.

"Just how many more of these do we have to go through?" He complained letting out a breath as the effects of fatigue began to kick in. 

"You'd think it would be easy to find your own shadow, but alas it seems to never show up. How far down are we anyway?" Morgana questioned looking over to Akira who just adjusted the fabric of his glove.

Morgana rolled his eyes at the blackette's silence, he hadn't said a word the entire trip to the Metaverse.

The blackette's mind was plagued with thoughts, making his concentration and focus falter in comparison.

Despite how much he wanted to focus on finding his shadow, his attention seemed to always shift to the warm-hearted bluenette girl in which he hadn't heard from in a few days.

The uneasiness just seemed to build up in his throat the longer he stayed out of contact with the girl.

"Hey, curly-hair. Hello? Focus, Akira!" Morgana hissed snapped the boy out of his thoughts.

"Sorry..." He mumbled looking back at the blue-eyed cat who just seemed to shoot him a glare.

"Let's wrap it up for today, we've been defeating shadows with just the two of us for over three hours now. It would have been easier if we had the entire team, but you refuse to tell them..." Morgana trailed off giving him a stern look.

"You know I can't do that Morgana, the team relies on me. The entire purpose of the Phantom Thieves is to defeat shadows, how hypocritical is it that their very own leader is one himself?" He mentioned looking around uncomfortably, fidgeting with his glove, which has become a nervous habit of his.

"You're right, I suppose." He gave in with a sigh, "But it's weird. Any other shadow we would have found by now. Especially because you are personally looking for it."

"You can't just not find yourself..." Morgana trailed off as Akira looked away nervously.

"Wait a minute." Morgana came to an epiphany as he suddenly glared at Akira. "You're not....hiding from us are you?"

Akira gulped as he refused to make eye contact with the blue-eyes cat.

Morgana's eyes widened as he suddenly realized how futile it was looking for Akira's shadow when Akira himself was hiding from it.

"You knew the whole time didn't you!" Morgana hissed feeling betrayal crawl up his veins as Akira looked away nervously.

"How long did you know?!" Morgana spat forcing the blackette to answer.

"L-Like... an hour.... maybe two..." Akira refused to make eye contact with the enraged cat.

'So, three.' Morgana concluded feeling anger and betrayal begin to build up inside him, seeping out of every pore on his skin.

"And how long were you planning on leading me on until you told me!?" Morgana hissed feeling stupid for being used.

"I-It's not like that..." Akira tried to argue but was viciously cut off by the infuriated cat.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now