Faith I | Depressing Days

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(PROTIP: Characters will be referred to by a first name basis by the narrator, however, each individual character has different things they call a character, for example, Akira refers to Sojiro as "Sojiro-san" However, Yuuen refers to Sojiro as "Sakura-san". This is because Akira is close enough to Sojiro to refer to him by a first name, but he adds "san" at the end to show his respect. Yuuen respects Sojiro but does not know him well enough to refer to him by first name. The only exception to this rule are teachers because they will always be referred to as "Kawakami-sensei" or "Ushimaru-sensei" This is because, from all perspectives I will write from, these characters will be their teachers)


It's been a week since Yuuen and Akira fought, and they haven't talked since.

Yuuen still does her Student Council duties and Akira is still trying to gather dirt on Kamoshida. In the end, nothing changed, other than the heavy heart of the two students.

Or at least, originally that is.

After fighting, Yuuen didn't bother waking Akira up after Ushimaru-sensei called his name, or help him get out of a crowd when surrounded by gossiping students wanting to ask him questions.

He didn't realize how much she was helping him until she stopped abruptly.

Yuuen was also changing, she spent more time in the Student Council room and less time in class. Yuuen was always the type to get her work done fast (yet accurately) so that she could spend time with her friends and more commonly, Akira. With no reason to want to get out early, Yuuen began to slow down while doing Student Council tasks and taking on more tedious assignments to keep her busy.

She was always the cheerful girl who would greet everyone she knew with a smile on her face; it didn't matter if they were faculty, friends, Student Council members, or even random students whose names she knew.

Because of this, she had a big sister kind of reputation. Everyone knew that Yuuen would befriend anyone and try to help people even if they did nothing in return. Which is why no one questioned why Yuuen hung around the infamous black-haired"delinquent".

Nowadays, she doesn't even spare other a glance.

The rumors grew and grew as the days went on.


"Dude! You still haven't apologized to Morito-chan?" Ryuji asked as Akira looked away.

"How the hell am I supposed to do that? She won't even look at me." Akira rolled his eyes bitterly, although Ryuji didn't take it personally, he knew his friend was upset.

Ryuji did feel kind of guilty though, Akira was clearly showing his discomfort in asking Yuuen about Kamoshida, but Ryuji pressured him into doing it not thinking about the consequences and only the results.

It's partially his fault as to why they don't get along, which is why Ryuji wants to make it up to them.

If he could just get them in a time where Akira can apologize to her and she would listen, then everything would be settled and they might actually be able to hear them out.

If only it was that easy.

Ryuji sighed, he really bit off more than he could chew with this one.


"Yuu-chan. Is something wrong?" Makoto asked taking a seat next to the melancholy bluenette.

"Why do you ask?" Yuuen asked while working tirelessly.

"You just don't seem like your cheerful self," Makoto said fidgeting with the end of her skirt.

It wasn't like Yuuen to be so sad and depressing, even when her parents got divorced she still bore a smile on her face and was her usual happy self.  But now, she couldn't even lift her lips in the slightest hint of a smile.

As Student Council President, it was Makoto's duty to make sure all students and especially Student Council members are well. But beyond that, Yuuen was Makoto's friend, and she hated watching her be so sad and depressing.

"Oh, I just got into an argument with someone. I'm fine." She said looking at Makoto.

"Don't worry about it Mako-senpai, I'm alright just a little bummed is all." She said while standing up, leaving Makoto alone in the room.

Although it did make Makoto happy that she used the term "Mako-senpai" which is a nickname she hadn't used for Makoto in years, it was bittersweet since she wasn't happy whatsoever when saying it.

Makoto glanced at the door with a worried expression.

'I hope she can find a resolution soon.' Makoto sighed returning to her work.


(Short Chapter IK)

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now