Faith XXX | Rage

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PROTIP: Akira doesn't need anybody. So all relationships are meaningless to him...or are they?


It had been about three days since Morgana had disappeared, and Akira had been going out of his way to avoid the rest of the members.






The days continued, each hour, minute and second blurring together into one gray image.

Those familiar faces of friends just faded into the background, and for some, he even forgot what they had looked like.

He looked down at his feet as he watched every crack in the road that his feet had trampled over.

"Two for two deal!" A voice said snapping the young boy out of his thoughts as he saw a young maid holding out flyers and handing them over to random pedestrians on the street.

His gaze trailed up beyond the young maid to the building that she had been advertising for, the cafe shop that he used to go to with Yuuen all the time.


"Mmm Hmm~!" The bubbly girl hummed, dragging the awkward boy along with her who was frantically trying not to drop the bag in which he held Morgana.

"We're finally here!" She turned around facing the boy with a gleamy smile, showing off her pearly white teeth.

Akira felt his heart pick up its pace tenfold, as his cheeks began to feel warm.

Her smile was so blinding it almost made everything light up in color.

"C'mon are you just going to stand there?" She teased smirking at him with her glistening warm crystal-blue eyes that seemed to stare into the depths of his much-colder gray ones.

"C-Coming!" He stuttered out running to catch up with her.


He remembers that conversation from just a few weeks ago, the whole world seemed so... blue and colorful.

It was almost invigorating.

Now his world was gray.

His heart clenched again as he fought it down, facing the gray sky which was covered in clouds.

'It's going to rain.' He noted pulling out his umbrella as the clouds began to drizzle.

Blue had become his favorite color, although at first, it was red. It just seemed that the color blue always brought happiness to the blackette boy.

Blue like the clear sky, or the sparkling waters of the stream that used to be in his backyard.

Or blue, like Yuuen.

His favorite type of blue.

He sighed pushing the thoughts out of his mind.

When did he get so sentimental?

Was he finally feeling serious effects of puberty?

He continued looking at the dull black shoes he wore until a familiar pair of white and red converse stepped into his view.

He looked up to see a familiar head of blonde hair who had his classic smirk on his face.

"Yo! Akira!" He smirked as the other male peering his head up to face him.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now