Faith I | Requesting Help

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(PROTIP: If the relationship decreases the confidant will reduce its rank, so yes the number is intentional)


"Akira, we need to gather more dirt on that bastard, Kamoshida." Ryuji hissed shoving his hands in his pockets making himself look like a delinquent.

"I already tried asking Mishima-kun, but he diverted subjects. Same goes for all of the other volleyball players. They either change the subject or refuse to answer the question whatsoever." Akira sighed pushing up his glasses.

"I know, it was the same for all of the volleyball players I asked too." Ryuji tsked looking away and kicking a stray can by his feet.

"We're going to need to ask someone who has dirt on him, yet isn't afraid of Kamoshida." Ryuji said seriously, "That's easier said than done, anyone in this school who knows of Kamoshida, knows to stay away." He scratched his head in frustration.

"Do you have anyone in mind?" Ryuji asked as Akira pondered for a moment.


"Also just a word of advice, but don't tell anyone I told you this, but..." Yuuen said seriously, "Stay away from Kamoshida, and never join the volleyball team."

"I mean seriously, don't do it." Her glare hardened into one of pure hatred and seriousness.


"I might know someone, now that you think of it..." Akira said as Ryuji looked up in shock.

"Really?! Dude, you're awesome!" He smiled excitedly. "Let's go then! Lead the way!" He grinned ushering Akira forward.

Akira sweatdropped, why did he get the feeling that this wasn't going to turn out so well?


The two boys finally approached the Student Council Room where Yuuen was currently doing papers.

"Wait!? That person you were talking about is a member of the Student Council?!" Ryuji exclaimed in surprise.

"No way man! Me and the Student Council have some bad history, I ain't gettin' anywhere near that dungeon!" Ryuji shook his head violently walking away.

"I'll meet up with you and the person you're talking to in the storage room." Ryuji waved off ditching Akira.

"Such help he was," Morgana mentioned as Akira sweatdropped. "I've never heard of a student who was afraid of the Student Council, at least that's probably how you can tell Ryuji's an idiot."  Morgana sighed.

Akira did nothing but sigh as well before knocking on the door.

"Come in." A strong yet feminine voice said, similar but not Yuuen's.

"Oh, it's you." A brunette girl said. She had braids in her hair and piercing red eyes.

"My name is Makoto Nijima, I assume that you are the new transfer?" She asked introducing herself.

Akira nodded and then introduced himself as well, "I'm Akira Kurusu." He said nonchalantly.

"So what brings you here today?" Makoto asked curiously.

"Actually, I'm looking for Morito-san." Akira stated looking around the room not being able to spot the bluenette.

"Yuu-chan?" Makoto's eyes widened.

"Did you say something Makoto-senpai?" A muffled voice from within the Student Council's closet asked.

Soon the door opened to reveal a short bluenette carrying two large cardboard boxes.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now