Faith XXX | Family

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PROTIP: It has been 8 days since Yuuen's disappearance.


The group soon began to gather up at their old hideout, the Shibuya Walkway.

Makoto, Yusuke and Ryuji had already arrived, impatiently waiting for the two remaining members.

Soon they began to see a familiar head of blonde hair approach, having quite a serious look on her face.

"Ann-chan, you made it!" Makoto smiled seeing the familiar blonde, but frowning a bit at her somber expression.

"It was kind of out of the blue for you to call us out here Ann-san. And at our old location too..." Yusuke mentioned holding his chin in deep thought.

"Yeah, and where the hell is Akira anyway? Is he still ditching?" Ryuji tsked, but inwardly he was really concerned about his friend's missing presence.

"About that..." Ann trailed off opening her bag to reveal a familiar cat.

"Morgana!" The team exclaimed in shock as the blue-eyed cat hopped out of the bag gracefully and onto the floor.

"You're alright!" Makoto sighed in relief, relieving herself of some of the stress she was holding within herself.

"This is great, Morito-san's place is going to need all of us. We finally got the entire team back together!" Yusuke breathed out, feeling a lot more confident in the team's capabilities with Morgana around.

"Sorry but, Yuuen's going to have to wait a little longer."  Morgana's gaze hardened into a glare, earning a shocked look from the other teammates.

"What..?" Yusuke asked shocked at Morgana's statement.

"Yuuen could be in serious danger! We need to save her ASAP." Ryuji argued not quite understanding the cat.

Soon the other three members began to rebuke the idea of holding off on Yuuen as it began to get slightly loud and out of control.

"Guys..." Ann interrupted but she was ignored.

She hardened her glare.

"Guys." Ann asked again but no one listened.

Ann glared before opening her mouth to speak, grasping the attention of the entire group.

"Akira has a shadow."

Dead silence.

"He-... What?" Makoto questioned breathless, wondering if she was hearing properly. Normally she would brush it off, but from the grim look on Morgana and Ann's face and the silence of the others, she knew she had heard properly.

"I know it's difficult to believe, trust me. But Lady Ann and I both saw it." Morgana said, trying desperately for the rest of the team to place their trust in the cat. "Akira has a shadow and needs a change of heart." He finished looking back up to the shocked and conflicted team members.

"Which is why we have to hold off on Morito-chan." Ann explained as the team finally realized the gravity of their situation.

Their leader had become corrupt and a good friend of theirs is stuck defenseless in a palace.

"How did he even get a shadow in the first place? Is he really corrupted like those adults?" Ryuji asked venomously, feeling betrayal crawl up his spine in an uneasy way.

Faith | Akira Kurusu x OC | Persona 5Where stories live. Discover now