# 9 : The Contract

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Edward's POV :

The Breakfast this morning was too dramatic and when Jason walked in it was too good to be believable.

He is a very sweet child. I can't just hate him for what his mother did to me. I doubt whether Sophia ever thought of me before moving and having a family.

I was so angry but the fact that I still could remember everything about us was horrific.

I still knew all those small things I loved about her. I still knew all the tiny details and what she liked.

Even though I had tried to forget her I couldn't but that doesn't mean I forgive her. She has done something that I think I can't just forget.

I was sitting in my office. Going through the files for the New Resort Chain project when Dad came in and knocked on the door.

"Edward can I ask you something?" he said.

"No." I replied.

"Don't be rude." he said.

I just nodded for him to go on.

"Do really hate Sophia? Don't ask me why am I asking you this but please tell me. " he asked.

What?! Why would that concern him Anyways?

"How does it matter Dad. She is engaged has a son. She is happy in her life.

We parted our ways long back. It doesn't concern anything right now." I said.

"But if something really bad was supposed to happen to her then would you help her?" She asked.

I don't know. I mean why would something bad happen to her?

"Why are you asking this to me? Dad you still want me to take the contract don't you?

Its her business let her handle it. And why would I take up the offer? Why the heck do you think I will help her?

When she didn't even tell me before going to Australia, getting engaged and having a son I mean right now I don't care what happens to her. "

"Well you see..." he started.

"Get to the point Dad." I said.

"I may or may not have signed a contract with William a long time back..." he said and I look at him like he has gone crazy.

What were these guys thinking? Hello we are in the 21st century.

"Dad were you out of your minds or something like that what were you thinking. Wait you weren't thinking at all were you ? Okay lets deal with in a professional way Shall we? Dad what did you do?" I was royally pissed.

"Well now that I have told see the thing Sophia's Company is in los. Like going Bankrupt loss.. So lets just say if you don't partner up with her on this project then she might just lose all her money in the business. So please just help her for the love of God." He said.

"Dad she is very good businesswoman I think she might have known if she was going for this and doesn't she have a millionaire husband who can fund her stupid company and save her sorry ass." I said irritated.

"Well first of all Language. And secondly he is not her husband and thirdly he is a millionaire you said it yourself, and you my son are a billionaire so you can compare the money cant you?" he said reasoning.

This is stupid if he really thinks I am going to buy that shit. "What would I get in return?" I asked. "Ed she has started a new business investing in t is going to make the shares rise up. Think about it son. I know this is your company but still take a piece of advice." He said.

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