# 25 : Misunderstandings??

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Dedicated to : 25dansijaie , adelamacford , 1pandaeyes2 , 12cupcake34 , Brie_Ella101

Sophias POV :

I walked outside. I know exactly what I am doing. If he wants to stay away. Then he needs to try hard. Cause I am not going to let go of him this easily this time. Who does he think he is? Kissing me like that and going away. Then come back and acts like he cares.

I called and ordered the pizzas. And sat their answering my mails. When Asher came outside. "Hey." I said putting my laptop aside and removing my glasses. "Hi." He said sitting down.

"So what happened?" I asked him. "I cant." He said. I shifted a bit closer. "What do you mean Asher?" I asked. "She is too nice. She needs someone great. Someone who will take care of her." He said.

"But I thought." I asked. "I know, we all were discussing about serious relationship stuff and we both got into a fight." He said. "I will ask you two questions. Just answer them and tell me if you still don't want to be with her." I asked. He nodded.

"First do you think if I get her another boy. Would you be able to see her with him?" I asked. He just glared at the carpet. "That's what I thought. And secondly why do you think you are not the one?" I asked.

"I am a really bad person Sophia. If she finds out about my past, If anyone does they would leave me in a heartbeat." He said.

"But what if their heartbeats for you?" I asked him. He looked at me shocked. "That's three questions" he said and stood up angrily.

I grabbed him by his shoulder stopping him. "I don't know anything about you. But trust me when you have the chance to be with her. Please don't let it go." I said.

"How do you even know you have the perfect husband." He said.

"We aren't married Asher. He hates me for leaving him seven years ago. He forced me to sign a contract because of which I am here. And trust me he makes me feel miserable when he shows me I cant have him. Think over it Okay? She is here. Don't let her go." I said patting his back and walking to the stairs.

When I saw Elina standing there with tears in her eyes. "Does Edward really make you feel that way?" she asked. "Elina you weren't supposed to hear that." I said.

"What about him Sophia? When you left seven years ago. We saw how miserable he was. We could see everything but couldn't do anything. Do you know how it was for me to see my elder brother BROKEN beyond repair? When you went on with your life with an amazing and perfect family of yours." she asked.

I grabbed her and took her inside her room. "You don't know anything. He atleast had all of you guys to help him. What about me? I just had no one. I had to cope up with everything on my own. And about Cole I am not his fucking Fiancee. His actual fiancée is in coma for fucking five years. And to help her I have been looking after her child.

Tell me how was I wrong? You think I had a perfect life? When I tried to kill myself because of depression? Then make me understand what was I supposed to do?" I said angrily.

Her eyes widened and so did mine when I realized what I just said.

"I am so so sorry." She said running to me and hugging me. "Its not your fault dear. I am sorry I shouldn't have lost my cool." I said stroking her hair. "I am sorry I didn't know." She said crying. "Its okay dear. Don't cry." I said wiping her tears.

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