Part Thirty One

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"That's a specific number." He noticed I said seven weeks.

I shrugged.  "I guess so, is it my turn yet?"

"Patience, I'm not done.  So you were just fuck buddies?" He asked, and I over-exaggerated my gasp.

"You said the bad one!" I teased, and he looked embarrassed. 

"Sorry I was so crude, you're rubbing off on me." He smirked.

"Last time I checked, you were an adult." I countered.

"Fine, but I asked you a question, " he said.

"I guess, yeah.  It's my turn."

"Let me guess, you want to know about the divorce?" He asked.

"We'll get there, but for now, who is in your life at this moment?" I asked.

"That's easy, nobody at the moment." He answered.

"Why?" I asked.

He set down his fork, leaned back and crossed his arms.  "I work over sixty hours a week, there's no time."

He's not being fully honest or he is making an excuse.  Like maybe he isn't comfortable sharing his personal life, especially his sex life, but he started it.

"There's no way a man your age hasn't seen anyone," I said, and took a bite from my salad.

He rolled his eyes and sat forward.  "I'm not serious with anyone, but a casual relationship is another story.  I do from time to time see someone.  We've been friends for years, but it'll never go very far." He sat back and started eating again. 

"Why not?"

He shook his head.  "She's not the one. Her career is just picking up and neither of us makes much time for each other.  I know she sees other men, and I don't see her in my future." He said


"How long has it been since you last saw her?" I asked.

"Three weeks ago, she's been in Greece on business," he said.

That's that I guess. It was awkward for a moment.

"You don't have children?" I asked.

He shook his head, then took a sip of his drink.  "No, I always wanted them, but never had them."

"If you're so busy with work, then how would you have time for kids?" I asked.

He shrugged.  "I'd make time somehow, or at least try.  When I was married I had more time because my father had not yet retired."

"Why didn't you have them when you were married?" I asked, and he gave me half a smile.

"I guess things happen for a reason. It's a blessing since my marriage failed." He said.

"You're smiling." I pointed out.

He shrugged.  "It's kind of a relief, because someday I can start out fresh with someone who wants to be a mother."

Ah, we have the answer I overheard in the ladies bathroom yesterday. 

"She didn't want children," I said as a matter of fact.

"Well, she did before we were married, but she saw some success in her career and craved more. She didn't want to bring children into a world where their parents had no time for them.  We both grew up that way, and it's not what we wanted for our children." He said.

"What did she do for a living?" I asked, and I'm surprised he is still answering.

"She works with me. Our companies merged when we got married, and she is CEO of the Media and Electronics side, and I'm CEO of shipping, Real Estate, and Pharmaceuticals side."

Damn, they work together?

"Is it hard to work with your ex-wife?"

He shook his head.  "No, we're still friends, and the divorce never seemed to change how we work together." He said.

"Is there anything your company doesn't have its hands into?" I asked.

"Not much, it's the result of companies merging through the years starting with my great-grandparents.  There are many V.P.'s helping, so we do get free time. Right now is just a busy time of year.  Okay, enough questions.  You better eat or you'll get sick again like you did at McDonald's."

Good point, but I have to wonder what changed with him.  He's being open and much more laid back.

"I just have one more question, please?" I gave him puppy eyes, but tried not to look too obvious, just cute.

He gave me a tiny smile.

"Fine, shoot."

"You have so much responsibility at work.  How does the stress of being in the public eye not add to your stress?  I'm just a meteorologist on television, but people expect me to live the perfect life, and I'm under the microscope.  I can't imagine the society in which you live not putting pressure on you."

He cleared his throat. "There is a great deal of pressure to see me marry again. Not just from the inner circles, but also people who think it's their business to know who I date or who I'm seen with, meaning the media in general.  It adds a great deal of pressure in business too.  They want to see a CEO with a wife to run my household and have my children.  A family man is more trustworthy for some reason.  Add Cassidy's disappearance and it's a disaster."

I nodded.  "You'll get there someday."

I can't tell him how afraid I am about the public's view of me, once my pregnancy starts showing.

We finished eating, and I fell asleep in the seat next to him while he worked on his laptop.  I guess it takes a lot of energy to grow a human. 

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