Prologue: Fever

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Four Years Ago

I scanned the surroundings of the dimly lit parking lot of the highway pub Briac, Hamlet and I are about to enter. I never had to tell myself to check my surroundings, it was always a reflex that the military perfected. There is something in my gut, a feeling, not the type of feeling for when something goes wrong but something that told me something will happen tonight.

Is it real though?

Am I feeling now or am I trying to feel for an enemy, a spy, informant that will tell me of any threat to the unit. My body began to buzz as I kept looking around, we were wide open to any threat right now.

"Spotter you good?" Briac, the brother I followed overseas and the one I joined an MC to follow, asked breaking my thoughts from going to a downward spiral.

Knowing that he could see me winding myself up, from whether I feel something or paranoid thinking I am back overseas, I took a breath to calm myself as I nodded to him. Thankfully he didn't question me and began to lead Hamlet and I to the entrance of the pub. I needed to get my head back on straight, I am no good to anyone if I keep myself in my head rather than in the here and now.

Walking into the pub I immediately scanned the room, my eyes reading what was in front of me and what they mean. In the army I looked to see bombs, traitors. Here I just see patrons of the pub sitting at different tables drinking as a woman in a black dress sang jazz on stage.

"Come on." Briac said motioning with his head to an open table where Hamlet and I followed him to sit down at.

Walking over I appreciated the weight of the cut I was wearing, a final patched in member of the Riders of Silence MC. As I said, Briac and I were in the same unit when our service was up I followed him here to his club. I want to do what is right and his club can help me make sure that the skills and dark I have can be used in the right way. When you do the things I have, seen the things I have, there is no perfect life after. As much as I wished it were true.

The only good thing about my prospect time was that it only had to be 6 months since I already proved what I can handle over in war.

Sitting down I glanced back over at the woman singing, her voice drawing my attention more than I would like but I couldn't help it. It was captivating.

"Never know how much I love you." She sang into the mic, her voice sending waves right through me making me shake my head, I needed to focus on the mission not the woman. Looking up one more time I found her eyes only pulling me more, "I get a fever that's so hard to bear."

"Man, I can't wait to see him again, it's been a fucking year." Hamlet said taking a seat and motioning with his hand to the bartender.

Briac chuckled. "You sound like a girl mad at her boyfriend for not calling."

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