8: Alarm

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Happy Friday! Enjoy!

Happy Friday! Enjoy!

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My stomach has been in knots since I have woken up remembering Rose is at my place. What was I thinking? I am someone who needs privacy and I just let her stay at my cabin where no one goes?

By now she has probably gone and broken into every safe I have. Looked through every file, every photograph and decide what she wants to steal off me. And I gave her the key and opportunity to do so.

When I left her, I expected to have felt nervous but when I went to bed last night I felt at ease, taking comfort that she was in a safe place rather than the motel. It was only when I woke up and processed what I did that my stomach turned to knots.

Picking up my mug I take a sip of the bitter coffee as I looked at the different boxes and paperwork I need to go through.

Noticing a flash of red I slightly turn my head watching Rose stroll into the clubhouse, her body seeming a little lighter than it was yesterday. My eyes slowly went down her body trying to see with her more relaxed if it means she will let something be read.

But no. It seems the only time I can get her to show a part of her true self is if I get her angry enough. Alright, piss off the fiery red head.

"Your place is amazing." Rose said hopping up on the counter where I was doing inventory. "If I live to an old enough age where I can have my own place and not keep running, you are building it."

I looked up to her watching her take her hair out of her bun, the long locks swaying down her back, a few wisps around her face. "Safe age? What, rob the wrong people?"

She let out a chuckle, a finger rubbing under her arm cuff that covered her brand. "Got to piss of the wrong people to make up for what I have done. To right the wrongs, you keep mentioning."

My eyes appraised her again, her rubbing her brand told me that she is still haunted by her time in the gang. Well I can work with that.

"Well when you get to that safe age I'll build you whatever you want." I said standing up to put the inventory list away as Rose hummed giving me a look having caught me trying to read her.

After a second Rose sighed swinging her legs up onto the counter to lay flat on the wood looking over to me. "Eh you can just build a single room cabin with a screen in porch with hanging bed. Prefect for me and my guitar."

I leaned against the bar looking at her. "That all you need?"

"Don't have anything or anyone so yeah." She said making it seem like it was nothing but I remember the look she had pulling up to my cabin. It was longing. "Besides I would like to live simply, just enjoy what peace is."

I shook my head. "Thought you steal? What have you done with the things you have taken?"

She groaned looking up to the ceiling. "Will you stop focusing on that! Swear you bring it up every second."

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