17: Save My Soul

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Sorry it has taken me so long to post, brother got delayed so had to move him out. Stay safe!

 Stay safe!

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My eyes fluttered open to the sunlight shining through the window, a small smile forming on my face knowing that last night with Cane was not a dream. Slowly, I rolled onto my side looking at Cane's naked sleeping form laying on his stomach, his hands buried under the pillows and face turned towards me. His face in complete peace.

My eyes roamed taking in every perfect part of his body; the muscles that begged me to kiss, the ink that begged for me to appreciate.

My eyes stopped at his back noticing the deep, large scars. I remembered seeing and feeling them for the first-time last night but there was no time to talk about them. But looking at Cane's back now all I could see was how most of his back was scare tissue. Unable to stop myself, my hand slowly went to touch them, the burn scar tissue feeling soft under my touch.

What could have done this?

Quickly my hand snapped from his back.


This is something personal, deep, a dark hidden safe within Cane's past and I have no right to read his scars on something that gave him pain. That is a line I won't cross. A safe I won't break in.

Leaning over I kissed his neck before sliding of the bed, grabbing my satin robe to sneak out of the room down to the porch. Making it outside I took a deep breath of the clean air, something that felt as if it was purifying my soul.

Or maybe that is Cane.

Shaking my head, I pick up my guitar that was leaning against the wall and slid onto the large queen hanging bed, the rocking making me slowly get into a sitting position against its headboard. The swaying turning from a potential ugly fall to soothing with me safely in the middle.

Bringing my legs up, I got comfortable with my guitar in position. Slowly my fingers found the familiar strings already knowing what to do before I have even thought of what to play.

'Who Will Save Your Soul' by Jewel began stinging from my guitar and soon enough the lyrics were leaving my lips.

As I played I couldn't help but think that this song used to be just that, a song. Now I couldn't help but look in-between the lyrics. I have worked many cons, worked people to give me their secrets and then destroy their lives. But they have all been scum bags.

My goal currently is Briac. A target that is the biggest challenge I have ever faced, nothing will make him spill his secrets but patience and trust. Something that takes a long time to prove to an Army special forces sergeant and biker president.

Who will save your soul when it comes to the flowers now?

Who will save your soul after all the lies that you told, boy

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