22: Check

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My mind tried to come up with any reason why Briac would want to have a meeting with me during his working hours. Feels like I'm seventeen again being called to the principal's office.

Cracking my neck, I knocked on Briac's office door, pushing it open when I hear Briac yell out to enter.

Stepping in Briac looked up nodding at me. Briac closed a folder and opened a drawer to his left tossing it in while motioning to sit down. Closing the door, I take a seat looking him over. "Sup?"

"Sup? I get twenty missed calls from you this morning and then nothing? Twenty calls then fucking radio silence and you walk in with fucking 'sup'?" He asked giving me a dumb look. "Was going to send out the whole fucking club had Rose not come in early and said you were on a ride, fucking hell brother."

I ran a hand through my hair, pulling at it when thinking of this morning. My mind fought against those memories making me drag my hand down my face. "Rose burnt bacon."

I didn't need to explain what I meant by that, he had been there the first-time smoke brought me back to war.

Briac sighed sitting up in his chair. "You okay?"

Scoffing I dropped my hands looking at him. "I could have killed her. I destroyed my kitchen and ended up outside having no memory of how I did that."

He scratched his beard looking at me. "What can I get you?"

"Nothing." I muttered.

We both had trouble adjusting back to our civilian lives when we came back. The MC can feel like a war at times with our enemies, guns, and purpose but there are times when the calm of civilian life is too hard to understand... and the memories of war too hard to fight.

"How did Rose respond? Didn't expect you to move her into your place."

I shrugged looking around his office refusing to look at him ignoring what he was subtly asking in that suggestive tone of his. "She was living in a motel. And she didn't shy away, helped ground me. Still have a hard time reading her but I think she's a good one."

The room went silent as neither of us said anything.

"We done?" I shifted in my chair, I hated talking and I was done talking about this. Much rather go back to my bar or Rose than stay here in case he wanted to test out his future as a therapist.

"No, I wanted to talk about this Rose Doe.... She doesn't exist." He leaned back taking out his pipe as I sat up straight. "Her name is an alias."

"Princess cleared her." I said frozen, wheels turning in my head over the enigma that is 'Rose'. Every interaction with her, every word she said, every emotion she held in her eye flashed to see see whether or not it was real or acted...fuck.

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