18: Every Breath

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So sorry I haven't posted in a week. I hope you will forgive me with the little trouble maker who makes an appearance in the chapter. Be safe during this scary time!

 Be safe during this scary time!

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I silently watch Rose walk up the stairs, her body moving silently giving nothing away even when she is safe inside. Always on the defense or maybe it's what she is used to, something that has become so natural she might not remember when she could breathe without covering her every breath.

However, when she was playing the guitar she could breathe freely. When I woke up hearing her play I couldn't help but gravitate to her, to lean against the door frame watching her in silence. When she sang on the swing bed she sounded different, there was no guard in her voice, no stress where she had to sound perfect for everyone listening.

She sounded raw. Vulnerable. Her with her guitar was her only time with walls down allowing her to be her, not who she feels she needs to be.

"You said you wanted an apple pie life." Sienna said breaking Rose's spell on me, my head turning to the look at the little trouble maker, a mischievous smile on her face.


She shifted, crossing her legs on the table. "You once said you want the apple pie life, nice woman, relaxing, sweet... The woman who walked up stairs robbed and tased you... Doesn't sound apple pie to me."

I gave her a look while she gave me a smug smile, her eyes daring me to fight her with this. How can someone so small be so much trouble? "Never said I was marrying Rose, she is just a friend."

"Doesn't it start that way?"

Taking the plans from her I whacked her head with them. "You want a treehouse or ask questions."

Still too curious for her own good she shrugs. "Why can't we do both?"

Pulling one of her braids I opened up a plan. "Treehouse or home for chores?"

"Should I talk with her? Make sure she doesn't tase you again?" She tapped her chin in thought.

Putting the papers down I shook my head, no way those two are getting together. "Chores it is."

Her eyes widened, her body jumping up and down. "No! Treehouse!"

Sitting down at the table Sienna scooted to sit over me as we went over the final plans for the treehouse we are going to build her. Since I had designed my own house and the fact that her treehouse location is half between Raven's barn and my land I had been asked to be a part of the process.

Hearing footsteps I look over the papers and watch Rose descend down the stairs waving at us.

Feeling a nudge, I turn to Sienna who brought her hands up to sign. "Did she hurt you?"

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