10: Whiskey Case

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I watched as Rose worked behind the bar, her usual blank read on hard today. A cold feeling has been oozing off her since the power out, anything she gave to be playful felt forced. Why? I don't know and I hate it. I can always tell the different things that go on but with her I can't tell a single thing.

Some days I don't even know if she feels true emotions, for her or others. If life is real or a game to her. Her being cold is just a sign that something happened to her that makes her not accept whatever life she is living. That it is a game you either win or lose. Usually I hate her playfulness, it's a distraction but her being cold makes my blood boil.

I need her real.

Waking over to Rose I take the box of new whiskey to put up on the shelf. "You good?" I asked her making her jump which she quickly shook off to cover herself, as she leaned against the bar counter.

"Just the universe giving more questions than answers." She said putting a smile back on her face.

Looking her up and down I still got nothing. "And what answers are you looking for?"

Something flashed but as soon as it was there it was gone, if there is one thing Rose knows it's how to shield herself from me. "Nothing I would ask you."

Turing, I cross my arms. "And why is that, if I have the answers wouldn't it save you time to ask."

She gave a dry chuckle. "I wish I knew why I can't ask you, seems every question just spins me around."

"You need a code."

"A code?" She asked laughing taking out a dark whiskey to make me put it on the top shelf.

I nodded. "A code works like a compass, helps keep you in the right direction, keeps you staying you. Will help those universe questions you seek and tell you how to respond to the answers."

She chuckled picking up another whiskey bottle, her body slyly pressing against mine making me take a breath which was a bad idea getting her soft lily smell. Her body looked so perfect where it is and I know she knows exactly what she is doing.

"I have tried getting a code. Trying a new one now but think my brand stops me from ever having a moral compass."

She turned around leaning against the alcohol rack, her body still close enough to mine that I could feel her heat. Her eyes looking over me trying to see what I would say back before I do. "Moral compass? Sounds dangerously close to honor."

Rose threw her head back laughing. "yeah well, guess my brother would be proud I finally got one."

Her brother. I remember the look she had when we pulled up to the cabin. The longing in her eyes wasn't for a nice place in the woods it's was a home. And based on the fact she stood up straight and got rid of the smile lines around her eyes after saying 'brother' meant that he was dead now, a painfully real fact that she can't even talk about.

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