27: What I Would Do

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The spot Cane kissed seared from him his touch.

I slammed my fist down on the bar. Saying to myself over and over again that I need to shut myself off from Spotter, from everyone here though it is easier said than done. Anytime I look at Cane there is something that pulls me, begs me to be around him. They call me Siren, singing men to their death. But Cane, he is a Siren to me, calling me to bring light out instead of the dark.

The second I came out into the bar I tried to be cold, push him as far away as I could and now I am standing here extremely turned the fuck on and had been told off about my emotions. Like what the fuck?

He changed, from being angry at me to something else all because he thinks he reads me having emotion. I DON'T! Not anymore, its shutting down... the dam bastard.

Seeing flashing lights, I looked up, the fire trucks still here getting the fire under control. A sigh left my thinking about what happened and the pain over my body from the explosion.

My eyes focused on firemen walking around the parking lot making sure the bikes that caught on fire are out. A man walked in, his body covered in the fireman uniform. "Bathroom?"

I nodded down the hall not saying anything as he walked towards it. Glancing at him I found his walk weird like he wasn't used to the gear. Shaking my head, I looked back outside as I took a sip of a whiskey. I need to think about this, need to understand how the explosion happened and by who.

Taking out my phone I sent a message to a hacker friend I know, Hiro. Sending him a message I ask him to dissect the footage of the explosion, look for who ever planted it and the type of bomb. After sending that text I send another asking to look into the email address from the man who hired me.

A few moments went by with me staring at my phone waiting for a response when it dinged.

Does a cat keep their head level when it hunts?

I roll my eyes chuckling at his ever-present cat obsession then quickly text back for him to add it to my tab and that I'll send him some cat treats if he gets me the info ASAP.

Hiro sent back a wink face letting me put my phone down. The guy was good, one of the best hackers I have ever worked with but is he better than Princess? There is no doubt that the club will be going full throttle after the person who tried to killed Briac, it was undoubtedly a failed hit. Therefore, Princess will be using her famous hacking skills to find out who did it and then the club will take their revenge.

I need to be a head of them. I need to get my answers from Briac and the person who hired me andI need to do that before the guns start firing or my real identity gets outed.

I need to see this through despite the increasing risks.

Hmmm, maybe Princess would be someone I could get some information from; either on the explosion or on Briac.

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