9: Snooping

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Thank you for all the comments, I am so happy you are enjoying the story so far! Just a quick reminder I don't have an uploading schedule, I work a full and part time job plus have a dog so time and energy can be far in between. Love you and will try to keep chapters coming. 


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Smiling I slid over the counter, flipping backwards to land on the floor in the darkness, not a single person in the clubhouse. Either they were at their day jobs or out looking to see what caused the power-out. I put my phone in my back pocket, I had tripped the power lights earlier and sent a false claim into the motion sensors just so I could be alone to do what I need to do.

Walking over to Briac's office, my hand went to my hair clip, the pin easily coming out giving me the lock pick set. Hamlet is right, I will always be able to pick myself out of any situation.

Doing a quick glance at Cane's phone that I.... borrowed...I look at the cameras he had set up, checking that I was in the clear zone. I felt bad for borrowing Cane's phone but based on the fact that he never reached for it he wouldn't notice its absence.

Bending down I began picking the lock to Briac's office, I have only a few minutes to do a quick search before power comes back on along with cameras that could easily see what I was doing. This is a suicide run if I get caught but lucky for me, no-one is monitoring.

Three minutes.

Hearing the soft click I put the pins back in my hair opening the door. I need to remember that I shouldn't care about what Briac's club is doing, sure it shows his character but it's not the real reason I am here. I am here to find out any information about his army unit and if my brother was in it. If so then I will go on from there.

Stepping into Briac's office I took a breath as I slowly closed the door behind me, the soft click telling me I am alone. His office smelt of pipe tobacco and wood oil, the simple room matching him. Taking a slow look around I noticed the army pieces hung up on the wall. Walking over I looked at the rope, a flag hanging on the wall and a revolver. Turning away from the revolver I kept what I was told out of my head, that Stephen was killed by one.

I don't have evidence so I can't make judgments.

One thing I have found weird both between Briac and Cane is that they speak of the army, have stuff hanging up with special forces but there isn't anything personal. I mean Briac has a tattoo on his collar bone and I am sure that based off Cane's colorful tatted arms that somewhere he has an army tatt but that's it.

No photos.

No personal stories.

It's like they hide the faces behind their time.

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